英语作文:20年后的生活 关于写20年后生活的英语作文,不少于60字!急用、


Life in 20 Years

What will life be like in 20 years? This is a question that many people are curious about. Based on some trends and predictions, I can imagine some possible changes in the future.

First of all, I think technology will play a bigger role in our lives. We will use more smart devices and artificial intelligence to help us with our daily tasks, such as shopping, cooking, cleaning, and entertainment. We will also have more access to virtual reality and augmented reality, which will allow us to experience different worlds and scenarios. For example, we could travel to exotic places, learn new skills, or play games with our friends without leaving our homes.

Secondly, I think the environment will be more challenging in 20 years. Due to climate change and pollution, we will face more extreme weather events, such as heat waves, droughts, floods, and storms. We will also have to deal with the consequences of biodiversity loss, such as the extinction of some animals and plants. To cope with these problems, we will need to adopt more sustainable lifestyles and practices, such as using renewable energy sources, recycling waste, and protecting nature.

Thirdly, I think society will be more diverse and connected in 20 years. We will have more opportunities to interact with people from different cultures, backgrounds, and perspectives. We will also have more choices and freedom to express ourselves and pursue our interests. However, we will also have to face some challenges, such as inequality, discrimination, and conflict. We will need to respect each other’s differences and cooperate for the common good.

In conclusion, life in 20 years will be very different from today. There will be both positive and negative changes. I hope that we can embrace the opportunities and overcome the difficulties that the future will bring.









    在写作文的时候,要注意使用正确的时态。一般来说,描述未来的情况,可以使用一般将来时或者将来进行时。例如,We will use more smart devices. 或者 We will be using more smart devices. 都可以表示我们将会使用更多的智能设备。在写作文的时候,要注意使用恰当的连接词。连接词可以帮助我们组织文章的结构,表达思想之间的关系。例如,First of all, Secondly, Thirdly, 和 In conclusion 都是常用的表示顺序和总结的连接词。例如,First of all, I think technology will play a bigger role in our lives. 表示这是第一个要说的观点。在写作文的时候,要注意使用不同的词汇和句型。这样可以使文章更丰富和有趣,也可以避免重复和单调。例如,我们可以使用同义词或者近义词来替换一些常用的单词。例如,change 可以用 vary, alter, modify 等词来替换。我们也可以使用不同的句型来表达相同或者相似的意思。例如,We will have more access to virtual reality and augmented reality. 可以用 Virtual reality and augmented reality will be more accessible to us. 来改写。
第1个回答  2022-08-05
The future life in 20 years
In 20 years,every home will have a robot.It can help us do lots of things.We will have more time to study and have fun.Sometimes we will visit the Underwater World.We might even fly the rocket to the moon on vacation.In addition,students won`t go to school anymore and they will study at home on the Internet at home.So what do you think