

1. 晚上,上完钢琴课,在回家的路上,我看见了一张宣传海报贴在我家楼下,上面写着关于垃圾分类的内容。
2. 看完海报,我知道了垃圾一共可分为四类,第一类是可回收物,包括有纸类、塑料等。第二类是餐厨垃圾,餐厨垃圾有皮核、瓜果等。第三类是有害垃圾,有害垃圾有电池、光管等。第四类是其他垃圾,其他垃圾就是除了以上3种剩下的啦!垃圾分类的好处是节省资源,减少环境污染,让城市更美丽。
3. In the evening, after my piano class, on my way home, I saw a propaganda poster at the bottom of my house, which was about garbage classification.
4. After reading the poster, I learned that garbage can be divided into four categories. The first category is recyclables, including paper and plastic. The second type is food kitchen waste, such as skin and fruit cores. The third category is hazardous waste, including batteries and light bulbs. The fourth kind is other rubbish, which is the leftovers after the above three types. The benefit of garbage classification is to save resources, reduce environmental pollution, and make the city more beautiful.
5. 大家都知道现在的地球被大家垃圾不分类的坏习惯破坏,都知道地球生病了,一直在拉肚子,我们要救地球,让吴中的明天更美好。
6. Everyone knows that the earth is now being destroyed by our bad habits of not sorting garbage, and that the earth is sick and has been vomiting. We need to save the earth and make the future of WuZhong more beautiful.
7. 又一次,我去上方山看见大片大片的桃花,真是生机勃勃,我们继续往前走,一片水池被污染了一大堆垃圾浮在水面上,还看见打捞上来的一节废电池,电池只要抛到河里就可以污染5平方米的水源,电池的威力太可怕了。
8. Another time, I went to ShangFangShan and saw vast expanses of peach blossoms, full of vitality. We continued to walk forward, and a pool was polluted with a pile of garbage floating on the surface of the water. I also saw a retrieved waste battery. Once thrown into the river, a battery can pollute 5 square meters of water source, which is terrifying.
9. 接下去我们来到烧烤区,那里有三个垃圾桶可回收垃圾桶、其他垃圾、有害垃圾,我就跑过去看看垃圾分类有没有分错,可是里面空如也,一个东西都没有,我想不可能,看见人们在烧烤,他们的垃圾都往一个垃圾桶扔,已经满了还扔,真没素质。
10. Next, we went to the barbecue area, where there were three garbage bins: recycling bin, other waste, and hazardous waste. I ran over to see if the garbage classification was wrong, but it was empty, not a single thing. I thought it was impossible. I saw people grilling, and they threw all their garbage into one bin, and they still threw it even when it was full, which was really impolite.
11. 只要我们不扔垃圾,未来吴中更美丽。
12. As long as we don't throw rubbish, the future of WuZhong will be more beautiful.