
• 工程技术
• 行政管理
• 工作实践
• 通常涉及车间、工具和设备等的物理变化。
• 本质上的解决问题
• 通常初期成本很大,但是都具有很高的有效性和长远角度的低廉费用
• 例子
– 用动力工具替代手动工具
– 降低工作高度(简单的工程技术改变)
– 重新设计产品以减少组装所需的力量(从组装的角度来设计)
– 产品的自动码垛堆放
• 工程技术方法是控制风险的首选方法,因为其具有持久性和连续性。
• 通常情况下不涉及到车间、工具的变化(通常只是限制员工与风险因素之间的接触)
• 没有根本的解决问题
• 初期投入较低,但长期投入大
• 例子
– 岗位轮换
– 休息和短暂的体力恢复
– 加强练习
– 一些关于维护的问题
• 工作实践方面的解决方法
– 涉及工作方法改变(如何做事)
– 通常是一种基于行为方式的解决方法
– 初期投入较低,但需要严格监督和不断巩固
– 需要“逐步习惯”
– 例子
– 培训员工,以让其遵循某一特定方法
– 当拿取22公斤以上的物品时,要使用提升工具
• 解决方法特征矩阵
• 提出解决方法时需要考虑的几件事情
• 这个解决方法满足安全要求吗?
• 它的花费是多少?
• 它需要临时的遏制政策和多阶段实施吗?
• 它会让大多数人受益吗?
• 这个解决方法与其他操作是否有冲突?
• 它是否消除了一个风险,但是却又带来了另一个风险?
• 它对效率和质量是否会有影响?
• 解决方法充分的涉及到最终者吗?

• 精加工
• 用眼较多的工作
• 需要手部稳定性的工作
• 持续时间较长的工作
• 高重复性的工作
• 精加工
• 用眼较多的工作
• 需要手部稳定性的工作
• 持续时间较长的工作
• 高重复性的工作
• 大量人力投入,空间浪费;效率低下;
• 改善前:每一个成品完成后需要包装入箱;包装的产品比较大时需要双人抬至下一工序。
• 需投资进行改造,理由是:
• 消除人工搬运工序,避免扭伤,落地砸伤;

The type of solution of man-machine engineering
- Engineering Technology
- Administrative Management
- Work Practice
Engineering solutions
A physical change, usually relates to the workshop, tools and equipment etc..
To solve the problem, in essence
The initial cost, usually large, low cost but with the effectiveness andlong-term perspective of very high
* examples
- use power tools instead of manual tools
- reduce the working height (a simple change of engineering and Technology)
- redesigning products to reduce the force required for assembly(assembly from the perspective of design)
Automatic stacker - stack of products
Technology - engineering method is the preferred method of risk control,because of its permanence and continuity.
The method of administrative management
- typically do not involve changes in the workshop, tools (usually just limitbetween the employee and the risk factors of contact)
- not fundamentally solve the problem.
The early, low investment, but long-term investment is large
* examples
- job rotation
- rest and transient physical recovery
- strengthening exercises
And some problems about maintenance
- work practice solution in terms of
Change - relates to methods of work (what to do)
- usually a solving method based on behavior
- the initial investment is low, but the need for strict supervision andconsolidate
- need to "gradually habits"
- Example
- staff training, in order to follow a specific method
- when taking more than 22 kilograms of goods, to use lifting tool
- solve the eigen matrix method
Put forward to solve the method, several things need to consider
Put forward the solving method need several things to consider
- the solution to meet safety requirements?
How much is it costs -?
- it requires a temporary containment policy and implementation of multistage?
- it will make most people benefit?
This solution with other operation, if there is a conflict?
- whether it eliminates a risk, but it also poses another risk?
- it on the efficiency and quality of whether there will be affected?
- solution fully relate to the final person?
Sit or stand?
Sit best completed work
- finishing
- with an eye to more work
- need to hand the stability work
The longer the duration of the work,
- high repetitive work
Sit best completed work
- finishing
- with an eye to more work
- need to hand the stability work
The longer the duration of the work,
- high repetitive work
- putting in a lot of manpower, inefficient waste of space;
- before improvement: each finished needs after packing into the box;packaging products is relatively large need double lift to the next step.
- to investment transformation, the reason is:
- eliminate manual handling process, avoid sprains, landing injury;