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Brain Robeson stared out the window of the small plane at the endless green northern wilderness below. It was a small plane, a Cessna 406—a bush-plane—and the engine was so loud, so roaring and consuming and loud, that it ruined any chance for conversation.
Now that he had much to say. He was thirteen and the only passenger on the plane with a pilot named—what was it? Jim or Jake or something—who was in his mid-forties and who had been silent as he worked to prepare for take-off. In fact since Brian had come to the small airport in Hampton, New York to meet the plane—driven by his mother—the pilot had spoken only five words to him.
“Get in the copilot’s seat.”
Which Brian had done. They had taken off and that was the last of the conversation. There had been the initial excitement, of course. He had never flown in a single-engine plane before and to be sitting in the copilot’s seat with all the controls right there in front of him, all the instruments in his face as the plane clawed for altitude, jerking and sliding on the wind currents as the pilot took off, had been interesting and exciting.

be easy, but I believe, a public advertising is like a lamp, some bright lights, the darkness around us will be less.And I believe, everyone's mind is like a window, the window will be open bright come.I believe "civilization around us", from our very close, close enough to your fingertips.
Sometimes, we just civilization from the distance is 10 cm; sometimes, perhaps only several dozen centimetres in width; sometimes, may be the thickness of a sheet of paper; I believe, in fact, civilization in our hearts.We will live in a casual revelation.Sometimes,more of a gesture to others, is more of a sympathetic; sometimes, a little more patience, it is a love for others; sometimes, a little bit more to share, for others it is more of a warm.
I believe, each of us a small step, the community will be a major step.
So I found, civilization is a kind of strength.Like the Olympic torch, in the hands of each individual transfer, and we can all convergence of enthusiasm, I believe you, I believe the screen before you, and more to discover, to release their civilization enthusiasm.追问



罗伯逊盯着窗外的小飞机在无尽的绿色北大荒下面。那是一架小飞机,一架塞斯纳406-a bush-plane-and引擎很大声,所以咆哮和消费,它破坏了任何机会谈话。

第1个回答  2012-05-13