

语法专题------------句子成分 1
句子的成分: 在英文中句子成分包括:主语、谓语、表语、宾语(直接宾语、间接宾语)、主语补足语,宾语补足语、同位语,定语
1. Comrade Chen is a well-known scientist. 陈同志是著名的科学家。 (名词作主语)
2. He reads newspapers every day . 他每天读报。 (代词作主语)
3. Smoking is harmful to the health . 吸烟对健康有害。 (动名词作主语)
4. To swim in Kunming Lake is a great pleasure . 在昆明湖里游泳是非常愉快的事。 (不定式作主语)
5. What we shall do next is not yet decided . 下一步我们做什么还没定下来。 (主语从句作主语)
(二)谓语: 说明主语“做什么”“是什么”或“怎么样”。谓语(谓语部分里主要的词)必须是动词。谓语和主语在人称和数两方面必须一致。
如:His parents are teachers . (系动词和表语一起作谓语)
We study hard . (行为动词作谓语)
We have finished reading the book. 助动词和行为动词一起作谓语)
He can speak English . (情态动词和行为动词一起作谓语)
(三)宾语: 宾语是动作、行为的对象,由名词、代词、不定式或相当于名词的词、短语来担任,它和及物动词一起说明主语做什么。
She is doing her homework now. (名词作宾语)
She said (that)she felt sick. (宾语从句做动词宾语)
We often help him. (代词作宾语)
He likes to play basketball. (不定式作宾语)
We enjoy listening to the music. 我们喜欢听音乐。(动名词短语作宾语)
不是所有的及物动词都可以用双宾语。有的动词可以跟,如:give , show (给…看),bring , pass , buy 等。如:
1. Our teacher told us a story . (us为间接宾语)a story为直接宾语。
2. The sun gives us light and warmth. (us为间接宾语,light and warmth为直接宾语)
3. We sent him a telegram. 我们给他打了电报。 (him为间接宾语,a telegram为直接宾语)
(三)宾语补足语: 在某些及物动词后面,需要用一个宾语再加一个宾语的补语才能表达完整的意思。在宾语后面补充说明宾语的动作、
如: They made her happy . (形容词)
I saw her dance. (不定式)
We’ll help make the Olympics a success. (名词)
Please let him in . (副词)
We heard her singing a song. (分词短语)

表语: 放在连系动词之后表明主语是什么, 怎么样或处于某种状态的。 连系动词 + 表语= 系表结构谓语
名词: 说明主语是什么 My mother is a housewife. ( doctor, nurse, teacher )
连系动词 + 表语 形容词: 说明主语怎么样 My mother looks happy. (pleased, sad, angry )
介词短语 说明主语处于某种状态 My mother is at home. ( in blue, in trouble, on holiday)
连系动词的种类: (1). 表示特征和存在状态的: be 是/ 存在)seem(是乎…)feel(感到…)appear(显得…)look(看上去…)
smell(闻起来…)taste(偿起来…)sound(听起来..), prove (证明…)
(2). 表示状态延续的: remain(仍然是…), stay (保持…) keep(保持…), continue(保持…), stand(保持…),
(3). 表示状态变化的: become(变,得…) get(变,得…), turn(变,得…), grow(变,得…) go(变,得…) run (dry ), fall (asleep ), come(变,得…),

(五)同位语: 放在名词或代词后面的另一个名词, 短语, 或句子 用来进一步解释, 说明前者的具体人的身份, 事情的内容等.
e. g.: 1. This is Mr. Zhou, director of our school.
2. Qinghai, the largest inland body of salt water in China, lies 3,198 metres above sea-level.
3. We have everything we need: land, wealth, and technology.
4. The news that a group of singers will sing for us is given by Mr. Black.

(六)定语: 用来修饰或描述名词或代词(人, 物/ 事)的外表特征(包括大小, 颜色, 形状, 材料/ 国籍等)
如:The black bike is mine. (形容词) 这辆黑色的自行车是我的。
What’s your name ? (代词) They made paper flowers. (名词)
说明1:当定语修饰不定代词如:nothing , anything , everything , something 等时,定语要放在其后作后置定语
如:I tell him something interesting . 我告诉他一些有趣的事情。 (形容词interesting作不定代词something的后置定语)
He has something to do . 他有一些事情去做 (to do 为不定式作后置定语)
如:The boys in the room are in Class Four. 这间屋子里的男孩子们是4班的。 in the room 是介词短语作the boys的后置定语。
e.g. 1.: A young and tall man will visit you.
5. The man sitting on the bench is our new headteacher.
2. I bought a big house last year.
6. The boy called Jack is one of his best friends.
3. Mr. Brown has a round table and a pink bookshelf.
7. The woman with a baby on her back is now on her way to her mother’s home.
4. I have something interesting to tell you.
8. The project to be completed next year will cost a large sum of money.
副词是用来修饰: 1. 行为动词表达动作/行为的方式,时间, 地点,频度等分别充当句中的方式,时间, 地点,频度状语;
2. 形容词, 副词表示程度充当程度状语。
副词有: 时间副词, 地点副词,频度副词, 方式副词, 程度副词, 疑问副词, 连接副词, 关系副词 等
时间副词: now, then, last night, today, tomorrow, tonight, yesterday, just now later lately, up to now
频度副词:always , often, usually, sometimes, occasionally, seldom, never, generally, frequently, hardly, ever,
地点副词: here, there, home, downstairs, upstairs, anywhere, everywhere, somewhere, nowhere, abroad, elsewhere,
方式副词: anxiously, badly, bravely, carefully, carelessly, nervously, awkwardly, patiently, politely, proudly, properly, happily
程度副词: much, a little, a lot , a bit, very, so, enough, quite, rather, pretty, fairly,
1. He watched TV very happily at home last night 2.. She always drives her car quite carefully on the high way.

1. She does well in dancing.
5. My father always drives car carefully.
2. We visit the museum on May Day.
6. I usually have lunch at school .
3. If you’re late again, I’ll fire you.
7. I am sorry for my being late.
4. The next morning, Jenny got up even earlier in order to catch the first bus. 8. Mike is 2 cm taller than I
第1个回答  2012-05-10
恩…… 这个讲起来有点多哦 长话短说
比如:我打了他。 这个句子中的“我”是主语, “打了”是谓语动词,“他”是宾语
比如:我昨天在教室打了他。 我还是主语,打了还是谓语动词,他是宾语。那么“在教室”就是地点状语,“昨天”就是时间状语

第2个回答  2012-05-13
系动词,is am are