

1. My grandpa's /grandma's main worry is that he/she can't make it for my sister's wedding. 我祖父/祖母主要担心他/她撑不到我姐姐的婚礼。
2. My father/mother is always worrying about my study.我爸爸/妈妈总是担心我的学习。
3. What worries my brother/sister/cousin is that he/she can't pass the exam.我哥哥/姐姐/堂兄担心过不了考试。
4. My best friend fears that he will fail. 我最好的朋友担心他会失败。
5. My roommate is fearful that his cat dies when he's away. 我室友担心他不在的时候他的猫死掉。
6. My headteather's greatest concern is Tom's score in the test.我班主任最大的担心是汤姆的考试成绩。
7. We students are deeply concerned about whether we can find our ideal job. 我们学生都很关心能不能找到理想的工作。
8. My uncle/aunt is still anxious about his/her son.我叔叔/婶婶因为他/她的儿子很焦虑。
9. The unaffordable real-estate price is a great anxiety to Chinese people.中国人对于难以承受的高房价很焦虑。
10. I'm afraid that I can't come back to you.我担心我无法回来看你了。