她唱歌比你好 准确翻译是

1 她唱歌比你好 / 没你好
2 她跳舞比你好 / 没你好
以上两个应该是 副词的比较级来翻译吧?

3 她 弹钢琴, 绘画, 游泳 ,都比你好 / 都没你好
( 三个方面都比某人强的,表达——)

4 她 打网球, 打保龄球, 踢足球, 开车 都比你好 / 都没你好

( 呵呵,了解。比较多方面 比较的 句型 。谢谢了)

5 他正在对着镜子刮胡子 / 正在对着镜子 用电动剃须刀刮胡子

6 她正在对着镜子梳头,她的发质很好。有着乌黑 柔顺的长发。

7 He sings well. 唱的不好,也可以说 can't sing well, 我要是 说
He sing bad , 语法 结构上来说 是否正确?哈

我唱歌不太好,还有其他 表达么,英语的。谢谢

8 我的歌唱的不太好,还请大家多见谅 ,希望你们多给掌声鼓励我


1 她唱歌比你好 / 没你好
She sings better than you/not as well as you.

2 她跳舞比你好 / 没你好

She dances better than you/not as well as you.
以上两句是用的比较级。比。。。好,没。。好的话可以用not as well as。。

3 她 弹钢琴, 绘画, 游泳 ,都比你好 / 都没你好
Her paino/paints/swim all are better than you/not as well as you.

4 她 打网球, 打保龄球, 踢足球, 开车 都比你好 / 都没你好

Her tennis,bowling,football,driving all are better than you/not as well as you.追问

我记得 all一般放在系动词 be 后面吧。呵呵。are all 谢谢您的回答帮助


有时候是这样的,这里的all你也可以理解成为是“all these 的缩写,这样的话,你就不会觉得是在be的后面了。谢谢

第1个回答  2012-10-24
1 her singing than hello / hi
2 she dance better than hello / hi
3 she was playing the piano, painting, swimming, better than you / without you
4 she played tennis, bowling, football, drive better than you / without you
5 he is in front of the mirror / is looking into the mirror and shave with an electric razor
6 she is looking into the mirror and comb her hair, her hair is very good. There is a black smooth hair.
I do not sing well,
8 of my singing is not good, please forgive me, I hope you give applause to encourage me
第2个回答  2012-10-11
Her sing better than you。(她唱歌比你好)
She did not sing hello(她唱歌没你好)
She dance better than you。(她跳舞比你好)
She didn't you dance(她跳舞没你好)
She plays the piano, painting, swimming is better than you。(她弹钢琴, 绘画,游泳 ,都比你好)
She plays the piano, painting, swimming didn't hello(她弹钢琴, 绘画,游泳 都没你好)
She play tennis, bowling, playing football, drive are better than you。(她 打网球, 打保龄球, 踢足球, 开车 都比你好)
She play tennis, bowling, playing football, drive didn't hello。(她 打网球, 打保龄球, 踢足球, 开车 都没你好)
第3个回答  2012-10-12
She sings better than you. She doesn't sing as well as you do.
She dances better than you. She doesn't dance as well as you do.
She is better at playing the piano, painting and swimming. She doesn't play the piano, paint and swim as well as you do.
第4个回答  2012-10-11