

Yao Ming was born in Shanghai in 1980. The United States of America NBA and world basketball superstar. Chinese basketball history the milepost type character. The Shanghai CBA team boss. Have effect on the Chinese national basketball team, NBA team rocket. July 20, 2011 retired. With 7 NBA " All Star ", was the United States " time " included in the " world's most influential people of 100 ", was awarded the " China General Administration of sport sports Medal of honour " outstanding contribution award " Chinese basketball ". Yao Ming to the superb skills, tenacious enterprising spirit, humility humor temperament and personality charm, won the reputation of the world. Let the world to China had new knowledge and understanding; to let more people concerned about, like basketball. Yao Ming became the East-West cultural bridge, with the individual influence there was no parallel in history. Yao Ming's meaning and value, beyond basketball, beyond borders.
第1个回答  2012-10-05
Yao Ming was born in Shanghai in 1980. The United States of America NBA and world basketball superstar. Chinese basketball history the milepost type character. The Shanghai CBA team boss. Have effect on the Chinese national basketball team, NBA team rocket. July 20, 2011 retired.Yao Ming to the superb skills, tenacious enterprising spirit, humility humor temperament and personality charm, won the reputation of the world. Let the world to China had new knowledge and understanding; to let more people concerned about, like basketball. Yao Ming became the East-West cultural bridge, with the individual influence there was no parallel in history. Yao Ming's meaning and value, beyond basketball.
第2个回答  2012-10-05
Yaoming is a basketball star
第3个回答  2012-10-05