
Could you tell me what do you use it for and how many you actually need, so that we could indroduce some right style for you and quote a favourite price.

could you tell me 引出的句子是宾语从句,从句要用主谓宾语序,或者说是陈述语序(只要主句是疑问语序就可以了,从句不需要);而且for what一般不分家,要写在一起;还有,这一句话主句是问句,所以句尾要用问号。也就是说,最起码这个句子应该是:Could you tell me for what you use it and how many you actually need, so that i could introduce some more suitable styles and quote the best prices?
第1个回答  2012-10-05
Can you tell me how do you use it, and how much you actually need, therefore, we can take you indroduce some correct style and quote a favorite price
第2个回答  2012-10-07
Could you tell me what do you use it for and how deeply you actually need it so that we could introduce something fit for you at a right price.
只是我个人观点 希望能帮到你 有错误的地方请指正