求救英语达人帮忙写一篇一百字左右的英语检讨书。 一下是内容。

原因是本人在周五下午英语课逃课去打球。 结果被班主任抓到罚写英语检讨书 。 本人对于英语可谓是一窍不通,请英语达人帮忙写一篇100左右字的检讨书。 感激不尽~

In this friday i had truancy for my teacher class. I know it was wrong and I should not do that. I am very regret for my behaviour about that. I also feel very sorry to my teacher and parent. In here, I would like to apology to my teacher. I promise it will not repeat in next time.I would learn this as my lesson. Hope teacher you can forgive me. Hopefully teacher can accept this as my repentance letter.

这个星期五,我旷了我老师的课。我知道那是错的,我不应该那样做。我对我的行为感到非常后悔。 在这里, 我想要和我的老师和父母道歉。我答应下次不会再犯。我会吸取这次的教训。希望老师可以原谅我。希望老师可以接受我的这封悔过信。
第1个回答  2012-10-20
I'm so sorry about my behaviour.I shouldn't play truant to play on Friday.I feel sorry for my parents and teachers.I know,as a student, studying is the most important thing for me .So I will study hard and get better and better . .I know I was wrong.I will not do it next time.Please forgive me.追问



