border bound bounce 分别什么意思,怎么区分,谢谢啦


border bor.der[`bɒrdL; ˋbɒ:də]名词1 (C)边,缘,边缘2 a. (C)国境,国界; 边界; (美)边境on the ~在国境 (地带)over the ~越过国境b. [the Border (s) ] (英)英格兰和苏格兰的国境 (地方)c. [the ~](美)墨西哥 [加拿大] 和美国的国界3 (C) [常~s] 领土,领域; 国境地带within [out of] ~s在领土内[外]4 (C)a. (衣服、家具等的) 滚边或镶边 (框) 等装饰b. 狭长的花坛→ herbaceous border.on the border of?(1) 在…的边缘上,邻接著…(2) 将要…,正要…,濒临…He is on the ~ of a great discovery in science.他在科学上即将有重大发现形容词国境 [边境] 的a ~ town边境的城镇a ~ army边防军a ~ clash国境纠纷及物动词1 邻接,毗连; 面临My land ~s his.我的土地毗连他的土地2 加边于…,镶边于…[with]~ a dress with lace用花边把衣服镶边The town was ~ed with maples.城镇四周种有枫树不及物动词1 毗连,邻接,接壤[on, upon]Wales ~s on England.威尔斯与英bound bound[baJnd; baund]《源自古北欧语“准备”的意思》形容词(无比较级、最高级)1 <船、火车、飞机等> 准备前往 (…) 的; <人>准备要去 (…) 的,正在 (往…之) 途中的Where is this steamer ~ (for)?.这艘轮船要驶往哪儿?a train ~ for Paris一列开往巴黎的火车a plane ~ from Chicago to New York由芝加哥飞往纽约之飞机He is homeward ~.=He is ~ for home.他在返国[家]的途中a bus ~ for the east开往东部的巴士a ship ~ east往 [经] 东方的船2 [常构成复合字]往…的→ northbound,southbound,eastbound,westboundbound[baJnd; baund]《源自古法语“界限”的意思》名词[~s]1 境界,界限 (内) ,界线; 可进入之区域2 限度,范围; 界线,极限break ~s逾限; 越界; 越轨put [set] ~s to? 限制…go beyond [outside] the ~s of possibility逾越可能之范围,不可能keep one's hopes within ~s不怀奢望Her joy knew no ~s.她的快乐无穷 [她欣喜若狂]pass the ~s of common sense超越常识的范围out of all bounds分外的[地],过分的[地]out of bounds(1) (球戏时) <球、人> 越界The ball went out of ~s.球出界了(2)(英)禁止[…]入内, [对…而言为] 禁止进入 (区域) [to]( (美)off limits)及物动词[在…]形成…之界限[on]The United States is ~ed on the west by the Pacific.美国西以太平洋为界 [西临太平洋]不及物动词接壤[on]Canada ~s on the United States.加拿大与美国接壤bound[baJnd; baund]不及物动词1 <球等>跳,反弹,弹回,回跳The ball ~ed back from the floor.球从地址上反弹回来2 a. 跳跃,跳起,跃起; 跳跃著前进,精神饱满地行走~ away跳跃著离去The deer ~ed through the woods.鹿在树林中到处跳跃b. <心、浪等> 跳动,跃动My heart ~ed with expectations.我的心因期待而蹦蹦地跳名词1 (球等的) 跳,弹跳,反弹,弹回,跳回catch a ball on the ~在球反弹时接住它2 跳起,跃起,跳跃; (诗)跃动at a (single) ~一跳而…,一跃而…with one ~一跳而…,一跃而…by leaps and bounds→ leapbound[baJnd; baund]动词bind 的过去式.过去分词形容词(无比较级、最高级)1 [常构成复合字]a. 被捆绑的; 被束缚的dutybound被义务束缚的,有义务的b. 被…封锁的fog- [snow-] bound被浓雾[雪]所困的2a. <人>有义务<做…>的(cf. bind 3a)I am not ~ to please you with my service.我没有义务 [不一定] 非得要侍候得使你满意不可I was ~ in duty to obey him.我有服从他的义务 [我得非服从他不可]b. 一定<会…>的,必然的Our team is ~ to win.我队一定会赢c. (口语)决心<做…>的,决意的He was ~ to go.他决意要去3 <书>装订好的; 有封面的~ in cloth [leather]布[皮]面装的half-bound半皮[布]面装订的whole-bound全皮[布]面装订的4‘文法’ (只能与其他形式连用而) 不能单独成字的,限制形的,附著的5‘化学’化合 [结合] 的bound up in?埋头于…,对…发生浓厚兴趣He was ~ up in his work.他埋头于工作bound up with?与…有共同的利害; 与…有密切关系The employee's interests are ~ up with those of the company.员工的利益与公司的利益息息相关I'll be bound(口语)我可以担保,一定bounce bounce[baJns; bauns]《源自古英语“砰地打击”的意思》不及物动词1 a. <球等>弹回,反弹,跳回,跳起~ back弹回The ball ~d over the net.球反弹越过了网b. <人等>弹起,跳起,跃起Children like bouncing up and down on a sofa.孩子们喜欢在沙发上蹦蹦跳跳He ~d out of the bed.他一跃下床c. 蹦跳似地走; 上下地跳著前进[跑],跳弹著前进The bus ~d along the road.巴士沿著大路颠簸而行The ball went bouncing down the stairs.球跳弹著滚下楼梯2 急促地动He ~d into [out of] the room with a springy step.他以轻快的跑步跳进 [跳出] 房间He ~d out.他跳出去了3 (口语)<支票>遭退票,跳票及物动词1 使 <球、孩子等> 弹跳,使…弹回,使…跳回,使…反弹~ a ball使球弹回; 拍球~ a child on one's knees把小孩放在膝盖上上下颠动著2 (英口语)a. 威胁<人>[使…][into]~ a person into doing something威胁某人使做某事b. 威胁<人> [而夺取…] [out of]~ a person out of his right威胁某人而夺其权利3 (美俚)解雇<人>4 用通讯卫星转播 <通讯等>5 因存款不足而拒绝兑现<支票>bounce back(1) → v.i. 1a(2) [从失败、疾病中] 复原[from]~ back from one's illness从病中复原,康复名词1 a. 弹跳,弹回,反弹,跳回; 跳起,弹起catch a ball on the first ~在球第一次反弹时接住它b. (U)弹性2 (U)(口语)活力,朝气,生气勃勃be full of ~精力充沛,充满活力3 [the ~](美俚)解雇give [get] the ~解雇 [被解雇] ; 开革 [被开革]副词像跳跃般地; 猛然,突然