


yesterday, last week,…ago, in1980, in October, just now, 具体的时间状语

this morning, tonight,this April, now, once,before, already, recently,lately

for, since, so far, ever, never, just, yet, till / until, up to now, in past years, always,

3)现在完成时可表示持续到现在的动作或状态,动词一般是延续性的,如live, teach, learn, work, study, know.
过去时常用的非持续性动词有come, go, leave, start, die, finish, become, get married等。
I saw this film yesterday.
I have seen this film.
Why did you get up so early?
Who hasn't handed in his paper?
She has returned from Paris.
She returned yesterday.
He has been in the League for three years.
He has been a League member for three years.
He joined the League three years ago.
( 三年前入团,joined为短暂行为。)
I have finished my homework now.

---Will somebody go and get Dr. White?
---He's already been sent for.
句子中如有过去时的时间副词(如 yesterday, last, week, in 1960)时,不能使用现在完成时,要用过去时。
(错)Tom has written a letter to his parents last night.
(对)Tom wrote a letter to his parents last night.


1) 概念:表示过去的过去
----|-------|-----|---->其构成是had +过去分词构成。
那时以前 那时 现在

2) 用法
a. 在told, said, knew, heard, thought等动词后的宾语从句。
She said (that) she had never been to Paris.
b. 状语从句
When the police arrived, the thieves had run away.
c. 表示意向的动词,如hope, wish, expect, think, intend, mean, suppose等,用过去完成时表示"原本…,未能…"
We had hoped that you would come, but you didn't.

3) 过去完成时的时间状语before, by, until , when, after, once, as soon as。
He said that he had learned some English before.
By the time he was twelve, Edison had began to make a living by himself.
Tom was disappointed that most of the guests had left when he arrived at the party.

The students ___ busily when Miss Brown went to get a book she ___ in the office.
A. had written, left B,were writing, has left C. had written, had left D. were writing, had left
答案D. "把书忘在办公室"发生在"去取书"这一过去的动作之前,因此"忘了书"这一动作发生在过去的过去,用过去完成时。句中when表示的是时间的一点,表示在"同学们正忙于……"这一背景下,when所引导的动作发生。因此

注意: had no … when 还没等…… 就……
had no sooner… than 刚…… 就……
He had no sooner bought the car than he sold it.

( 1 )一般过去式常表示在过去某时发生的动作或存在的状态(包括过去习惯动作),常与一般过去时连用的时间状语有 just now, a moment ago, yesterday, last week(month, year), the day before yesterday 及表示过去的时间状语从句。如:
I was sixteen yesterday old last year. 我去年 16 岁。
He worked in a factory in 1986. 他 1986 年在一家工厂工作。
I met her in the street the day before yesterday. 前天我在街上遇见了她。
He often swam in the river when he was young. 他小时侯常在河里游泳。
( 2 )过去进行时表示过去某一段时间或某一时刻正在进行的动作。常与之连用的时间状语有, at that time/moment, (at) this time yesterday (last night/Sunday/week … ), at+ 点钟 +yesterday (last night / Sunday … ) , when sb. did sth 等时间状语从句。
What were you doing at seven p.m. yesterday? 昨天晚上七点你在干什么?
I first met Mary three years ago. She was working at a radio shop at the time. 我第一次遇到玛丽是在三年前,当时她在一家无线电商店工作。
I was cooking when she knocked at the door. 她敲门时我正在做饭。
( 3 )一般过去时往往表示某一动作已经完成,而过去进行时却表示动作在持续或未完成。如:
I saw you while you were speaking to the teacher. 你在和老师谈话时我看见了你。
She wrote a letter to her friend last night. 她昨晚给她的朋友写了封信。(信写完了)
She was writing a letter to her friend last night. 她昨晚一直在给她的朋友写信。(信不一定写完)

while others were waiting on...
when; while 当……时候
while能用when代替;  但是when却不一定能用while代替.
while+从句, 动作一定会延续
when+延续性动词/瞬间动词; when he arrived
when he died
过去进行时 :
在过去的某一点时间, 或者是过去某一动作同时发生的另外一个动作
I am arriving 进行时态表示将要
When he arrived,I was having dinner.
同时发生的两个动作, 均用过去进行时
When I was doing my homework,my mother was cooking.
When my mother was doing the housework,my father was watching TV.
1.一个用一般过去时, 另一个用过去进行时
2.分工的情况, 均用过去进行时
When the plane arrived,...were waiting inside the main building
while others were waiting on...
Two men took the parcel off...
take sth.off...=take sth.away from...
and carried it into...carried 表示看得很重
Customs House 海关
...were keeping guard at the door,two others opened the parcel.
表面上是分工, 两个动作同时发生, 不是同时开始同时结束, 延续时间不一致,
长一点时间的动作用进行时态, 短时间的动作用过去时.
When someone knocked at the door,I was having dinner.
keep guard 守卫; at the door 在门边(固定搭配)
two others=two other detectives
To their surprise
to one's surprise,让某人惊讶的是
To my surprise,the teacher was late.
To one’s +表达人情绪的名词
to one's joy
To my joy, my mother came here yesterday.
to one's excitement
To our excitement,our team wins.
be full of ...装满 My bag was full of books.
The cup is full of water.

a few hours ealier 几个小时以前
two others
to one's surprise,...
be full of 装满

重点 : 过去动作同时发生的时态
1.过去两个动作同时发生, 习惯上一个用一般过去时, 另一个用过去进行时
; 动作长用过去进行时, 动作短用一般过去时; 分工的情况, 动作的开始时间和
结束时间几乎相同, 均用过去进行时;
 I was listening to the radio,my sister was dancing.
2.两个动作在同时段进行, 在不同时间结束, 先发生的动作未结束, 另一个动作
发生, 先发生的动作用进行时态, 另一个动作用过去时.
When the telephone rang,I was opening the door.先开门
When the telephone was ringing, I opened the door. 电话先响
3.瞬间动词没有进行时态, 所以两个动作同时发生, 延续性动词用进行时态, 瞬间
第1个回答  2012-04-25
现在完成进行时的构成是: 主语+ has/have + been + doing 强调的是,某事情到现在持续了多久,而且还要持续下去。e.g. I have been studying English for 3 years.表示我到目前为止,学英语学了3年,而且还要继续。
现在完成时的构成: 主语+ have/has + p.p. e.g.i have studied English for 3 years.但是学习是否继续,我们不得而知。
比如: Have you seen this movie? Did you see this movie?
第2个回答  2012-04-25
现在完成进行是强调的是动作发生在过去,持续到现在,有可能刚刚停止,有可能继续下去,侧重的是一直在发生,并且动词一定为延续性动词;例:I have been doing my homework after class.
现在完成时是指动作发生在过去,持续到现在,并对现在造成一定的影响,侧重的是对现在的影响;例:I haven`t done my homework, so I can`t play with you.
一般过去式仅仅指在过去某一时间内发生的动作或存在的状态,一定有具体明确的时间点。例:I saw a new film yesterday.