
10 .I 've never heard the word ____ in spoken English
A. Use B .used C. Using D. Being used
我选的是D 答案给的是B
11. Deeply ____, I Thanked her again and again.
A. Being moving B. Moved C. Moving D. To be moved
我选的是C 答案给的是B

12.He went from door to door, _______ waste papers nd magazines.
A.gathering B. Gathered C.gather . D. Being gathered
我选的是D 答案给的是A

13.The scientists were waiting to see the problem_____.
A.settle B. Settled C. To settle D. Settling
14.The walled _____ several days ago was found _____ in the dustbin outside the building.
A. Stolen, hidden B. Stealing, hiding C stealing, hidden D. Stolen,,hiding
______ different kinds of pianos, the workers further improved their quality.
A.Produce B. Being produced C.Produced D.Having produced
16 The old sick lady entered the hospital, ____ her two sons.
A. To support B. Supporting C.supported by D.having supported
17. He walked down the hill, ______ sotly to himself.
A.sing B. Singing C. Sung D. To sing
18._______ a satisfactory operation, the patient recovered from illness very quickly .
A. Having been given B. Having given C.Giving D.Being given
19. He reads newspapers every day to keep himself ____ about what's going on in the world
A. Inform B.informing C. Informed D.being informed

10 .I 've never heard the word ____ in spoken English
A. Use B .used C. Using D. Being used
我选的是D 答案给的是B (不要觉得一定要用个be动词,心里才踏实。being done结构往往是表示正在被做,而done就是表述一个被做的事实。此句意为:我从来没有在英语口语中听到过这个单词被使用。不是正在被使用哦~)
11. Deeply ____, I Thanked her again and again.
A. Being moving B. Moved C. Moving D. To be moved
我选的是C 答案给的是B (moved被感动的,感到感动的,用来形容人的感受。moving是使人感动的。很多动词ed,ing都是这样,一个是感到.....的,一个是令人... ...的。此处伴随状语主语和主句一致,所以是形容I的感受,用moved.)

12.He went from door to door, _______ waste papers nd magazines.
A.gathering B. Gathered C.gather . D. Being gathered
我选的是D 答案给的是A (此处doing做伴随状语结构,表示和主句动作伴随发生。并不强调正在发生,所以不用D,而选A。D还是用的被动,就更不对了。gather和主语是主动关系)

13.The scientists were waiting to see the problem_____.
A.settle B. Settled C. To settle D. Settling
我选的是C答案给的是B(see sth./sb do/doing表示中间的sth/sb和do是主动关系,see sth done则表示被动关系,没有see sb to do的用法。)

14.The wallet _____ several days ago was found _____ in the dustbin outside the building.
A. Stolen, hidden B. Stealing, hiding C stealing, hidden D. Stolen,,hiding (A。因为是被偷,所以stolen,done结构作定语。find sth done发现某物被... ...,此句是被藏在。所以hidden。)

15. _____ different kinds of pianos, the workers further improved their quality.
A.Produce B. Being produced C.Produced D.Having produced(D。having done结构,强调伴随状语动作发生在主句动作之前,对主句造成影响。因为生产了很多,所以提升了素质嘛,前后有个明确的先后,且产生影响。)

16 The old sick lady entered the hospital, ____ her two sons.
A. To support B. Supporting C.supported by D.having supported (C。被... ...支撑着,撑扶着)

17. He walked down the hill, ______ softly to himself.
A.sing B. Singing C. Sung D. To sing (B。伴随状语。表示和主句伴随发生,与主句主动关系用doing结构)

18._______ a satisfactory operation, the patient recovered from illness very quickly .
A. Having been given B. Having given C.Giving D.Being given (A。Having done结构,且与主语the patient构成被动关系。)

19. He reads newspapers every day to keep himself ____ about what's going on in the world
A. Inform B.informing C. Informed D.being informed (C。keep sb informed of/about sth.让某人保持被告知某事,也就是让某人知晓某事。)
