


Some say football was first played by the Aztecs in pre-Columbian Mesoamerica, 

but a more direct (and FIFA recognized) origin comes from a game called Cuju (meaning “kick ball”) 

was played in ancient China. The ball was made of panels of leather sewn together and inflated with hair and other soft fillings rather than air.

It was in England where the modern game was institutionalized and popularized. According to English records.

In 1815 at Eton College, the rules of the modern game were first introduced. 

In 1863, the English Football Association was established to define the rules and manage other aspects of the game.














参考资料:人民网-中国最早足球俱乐部 比曼联早800年

第1个回答  2019-09-28


Some say football was first played by the Aztecs in pre-Columbian Mesoamerica, 

but a more direct (and FIFA recognized) origin comes from a game called Cuju (meaning “kick ball”) 

was played in ancient China. The ball was made of panels of leather sewn together and inflated with hair and other soft fillings rather than air.

It was in England where the modern game was institutionalized and popularized. According to English records.

In 1815 at Eton College, the rules of the modern game were first introduced. 

In 1863, the English Football Association was established to define the rules and manage other aspects of the game.












场地每个角上应各竖一面不低于1.50米高的平顶 旗杆,上系小旗一面;相似的旗和旗杆可以各竖一面在场地两侧正对中线的边线外至少:米处。




6、球门:球门应设在每条球门线的中央,由两根相距7.32米、与两面角旗点相等距离、直立门柱与一根下沿离地面2.44米的水平横木连接组成,为确保安全, 无论是固定球门或可移动球门都必须稳定地固定在场地上。门柱及横木的宽度与厚度,均应对称相等,不得超过12厘米。 




足球 百度百科

第2个回答  推荐于2017-10-10
Origin football
Sport is an ancient sport, goes back to ancient times. It is said that the Greeks and Romans in the Middle Ages had previously engaged in a football game. In a rectangular space, throwing the ball to the middle of the white line, they play with their feet to roll the other venues, said this game was for the "Habashituomu." The beginning of the nineteenth century, football in Europe and Latin America at that time a number of countries, especially in the British capitalism is already very popular. Until 1848, the first football in the form of written rules, "Cambridge Rules" was born. However many data indicate that the emergence of ancient Chinese football earlier than in Europe, more long history. Ancient Chinese Football called "Cuju" or "Taju", "quick fix" and "蹋" are kicked mean, "Ju" is a ball. "Cuju" the earliest recorded in the "Historical Records gang up QI write", Han Liu Xiang "not registered" and Tong Yan Yan division has "Hanshu.枚乘Biography" are documented. By Tang and Song Dynasties period, "Cuju" has been very popular as the elegant palace of the activities. In July 1958, FIFA President Joao Havelange Dr. incumbent to China, he expressed: football originated in China. Of course, due to the limitations of the feudal society, China's ancient Cuju ultimately did not develop into a "fair competition" for the principles of modern sport. This is a qualitative leap in the British capitalism completed.
Football Development
From the 17th century late, the sport has gradually been shifted from Europe and the United States into countries in the world, particularly in developed countries culture some more prevalent. More and more people toward stadium to plunge themselves into this very irritating, Cheong excitement to the movement, even temporarily conducted in a good or bad football as a measure of a country's culture developed, or the signs. In such circumstances, the British took the lead for the development of sport has made important contributions. On October 26, 1863, the British Queen's Street in London Fulimasen hotel establishment of the world's first Football Association - England Football Association. Apart from the England Football Association announced at the formal establishment, and formulated and adopted the world's first, a more unified soccer competition rules, forms and records written down. The birth of the Football Association of England, marks the sport's development has entered a new stage. Thus, people recognized on October 26, 1863, namely the establishment of the Football Association of England, for the birth of modern football. The Football Association has led the establishment of a number of countries in Europe and Latin America the vigorous development of sport, in 1872 in England and Scotland between the Association for the first time in history the game, the 1890 Austrian started organizing soccer Championships, 1889 in the Netherlands and Argentina a number of football, 1900 in Barcelona, Spain set up a "female泰罗尼亚" Football Association. These developments, the creation of an international organization created conditions for soccer. On May 21, 1904, the International Federation of Football Association (FIFA, the English abbreviation for FIFA) in Paris Saint Honore Street 229, the French sports, the Association of Union resident floor after the formal establishment, France 7 State representatives and agents in the relevant document signed characters. On May 23, 1904, FIFA held its first session of the congress, France's Robert. Covered Lin was elected first President. On April 14, 1905, the Football Association to join the International Football Federation. With football forecasts with the formation of soccer lottery developed.


第3个回答  2007-12-05
held its first session of the congress, France's Robert. Covered Lin was elected first President. On April 14, 1905, the Football Association to join the International Football Federation. With football forecasts with the formation of soccer lottery developed.
第4个回答  2018-09-22
held its first session of the congress, France's Robert. Covered Lin was elected first President. On April 14, 1905, the Football Association to join the International Football Federation. With football forecasts with the formation of soccer lottery developed