教他英语 用英语怎么说

还有 她的笔友 他朋友的皮夹 它的尾巴 我们的同学
照顾他们 我的父母亲 他们的明信片 你们的爱好 你喜爱的季节 教他英语


教他英语 teach him English
她的笔友 her pen pal
他朋友的皮夹 his friend's wallet/suitcase
它的尾巴 its tail
我们的同学 our classmates
照顾他们 look after them
我的父母亲 my parents
他们的明信片 their postcard
你们的爱好 your interests/hobbies
你喜爱的季节 the season(s) you like
第1个回答  2008-01-26
teach him English
her pen pal
his friend's suitcase
its tail
our classmates
look after them
my parents
their postcards
your hobbies
the season you like