





I did not do well on my mid-term last week.上周,我进行了一场半期考.我考得很不好

Math has always been my weakest subject and this time I failed to passed it. 一直以来,我数学都不是很好,所以这次考试数学成绩也不好.甚至没有及格

I was very disappointed at my grades 这使我觉得很沮丧

However, I knew that failure is the mother of success. I'll continue to work hard in achieving better grades next time. 但是失败是成功之母,我一定会继续努力!下次争取考好

As far as the language subject, I was good at it but I disappointed myself this time, I didn't do too well. 还有语文,语文不算我弱项,但是我总是考得不够突出,这次也是,考得不够突出,挺失望的

Most of the questions were basic but I was careless. Therefore, my grade in language was not ideal (my grade in language is far from usual). 很多题目都很基础.但是我太粗心了.所以,还是不理想

I like the English subject the most because I am interested in it and it seems pretty easy for me. Again, I did not do well in the examination. I only received 130.5. 至于英语.可以说是三科里我最喜欢的了,因为它很简单.我对它很感兴趣.但是这次成绩也不是很好.这么简单的考卷也仅仅只有130.5分.

Regardless of how bad it is this time, I will continue to study and work hard on my homework. I'll do well next time. 没事,我下次一定会继续努力!!争取考得更好!!

My final exam is on January 23rd. My hard work will pay off and I will get the best grades 1.23会有一次期末考!希望那时候的我,能把自己最好的成绩展现出来.

I believe in myself. 祝福自己,希望自己成功!
第1个回答  2007-11-24
Last week, I had a half end of term examination. Me very bad test. Always been my math is not very good. Therefore, the examination results not good math. Not even pass. This makes me feel very frustrated. Failure but the mother of success, I will continue to work hard! next to do well! there are language, the language is not my weaknesses, but I always test was not prominent, and this is, the test was not prominent, and I was very disappointed. many topics very basic, but I was so Careless. Therefore, the results still not ideal. As for the English. three subjects can be said to be in my favorite place. since it is very simple. me it is very interesting. achievements but this is not very good. such a simple examination papers are just only 130.5 points. okay, I will continue to work hard next time! test for a better!

On January 23th there will be a finally examination! I hope that time, turn my best results have emerged. Bless myself, hope that my success!
