


1. 释义区别:

- Stone:指一种固态的矿物质或类似矿物质的硬质物质,常用于建筑、雕刻等领域。

示例句:He picked up a stone from the ground and threw it into the river.


- Rock:通常用来指大块的岩石或岩层,也可以指形成山脉或山峰的大型岩石结构。

示例句:We climbed to the top of the rock and enjoyed the panoramic view.


2. 用法区别:

- Stone:常用作可数名词,表示单个石头。

示例句:He skipped a stone across the water.


- Rock:既可用作可数名词,表示一个具体的岩石;也可以用作不可数名词,表示岩石的集合或岩石本身的特征。

示例句:There are several rocks on the beach.


The cave is made of solid rock.


3. 使用环境区别:

- Stone:经常与建筑、雕刻、室内装饰等相关。

示例句:The ancient temple was built with hand-carved stones.


- Rock:通常在地质学、登山、地理等领域中使用。

示例句:Geologists study the formation and composition of rocks.


4. 形象区别:

- Stone:常常给人一种坚固、稳定的感觉,也可以具有美感或艺术价值。

示例句:The stone wall provided a strong defense for the fortress.


- Rock:常被认为是大自然中力量和坚韧的象征,也可以引起冒险、探索的联想。

示例句:They climbed the steep rock face to reach the summit.


5. 影响范围区别:

- Stone:除了作为建筑材料,还广泛用于雕刻、修建道路、制作器具等方面。

示例句:The sculptor used a hammer and chisel to shape the stone into a statue.


- Rock:在地质学、地球科学以及矿业等领域具有重要的研究和应用价值。

示例句:Geologists study the geological history of rocks to understand the Earth's past.

