

第一:can you gives me some advice
二,we should speak english as much as possible
三:when you are tired ,you should learn to relax
四:parents now always compare their children with others'
五:when we grow up, we find out it is difficult to do what we like to do.
六:parents should learn to give more free time to their children.

第1个回答  2012-04-10
1.Can you give me some advice?
2.We should speak English as more as possible.
3.You should learn to relax yourself when you are tired.
4.Nowadays,parents always compare their children with other children.
5.When we grow up,we find out doing what we like is very diffcult.
6.Parents should learn to give more time to their children.
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第2个回答  2012-04-10
1. Can you give me some advice?
2. We should try and speak more English.
3. When you are stressed you should learn to relax.
4. Nowadays parents are always comparing their own children to other children.
5. When we grow up, we will discover that it is difficult to do things that we like.
6. Parents should learn to give their own children more time.
第3个回答  2012-04-10
Can you gave me some advice?
We must speak lot of English .
When you're tired you should learn to relax.
The present parents always compare their children with other ones.
We find that it's difficult to do what something like after we grow up.
Parents should learn to give their children more time.
第4个回答  2012-04-10
1.can you give me some advice?
2.you should practice speaking english as much as possible.
3.you should learn to relax when you are tired.
4.parents are always making too much compariasion to other children with there own kids nowdays.
5.when we are grown-ups,we'll find it's hard to do things we like.
6.parents should give their kids more time of themselves.