
1 请假条: 假设你叫李明,由于前几天发烧,所以不得不向老师请了三天假(11.20到11.22),写一张请假条给你的班主任,并表明这几天里会把所有功课补上

2 通知:假设我班全体同学将在本周六(10.19)去苏州国际博览中心(SuZhou International Expo Centre)参观电博会(eMEX).请以班长名义通知大家,早上点准时在学校大门前集合,同意坐校车去园区.进入博物馆后不要大声喧哗,对感兴趣的内容做笔记,下周一将进行讨论学习.下雨则延期到第二天.

3 向外国友人宣传北京2008年的奥运会 提示 福娃(Mascot) 舞动的北京(Dancin Beijing) 志愿者(volunteer)]


dear xxx
i have been having a fever for a few days between 20 nov-22 nov.i will finishi those works which i have missed

dear students
this is an annousment about the trip to SuZhou International Expo centre, everyone must report to the school gate and assamble in time.we will get there by bus,make sure you do not male loud noise once got in there.you may also make some notes,which we will discuss next week,if it rains,it will pospone to the next day.
parents of xxx

the 2008 OLM in china is having some friends ,Mascotit represent the sprit of sport and chinese ,the dancing beijing is a great event,ehich will rock everybody's heart,and we have lots of volunteers...
第1个回答  2007-11-23
dear xxx
i have been having a fever for a few days between 20 nov-22 nov.i will finishi those works which i have missed

dear students
this is an annousment about the trip to SuZhou International Expo centre, everyone must report to the school gate and assamble in time.we will get there by bus,make sure you do not male loud noise once got in there.you may also make some notes,which we will discuss next week,if it rains,it will pospone to the next day.
parents of xxx
第2个回答  2007-11-24
dear xxx
i have been having a fever for a few days between 20 nov-22 nov.i will finishi those works which i have missed

dear students
this is an annousment about the trip to SuZhou International Expo centre, everyone must report to the school gate and assamble in time.we will get there by bus,make sure you do not male loud noise once got in there.you may also make some notes,which we will discuss next week,if it rains,it will pospone to the next day.
parents of xxx

the 2008 OLM in china is having some friends ,Mascotit represent the sprit of sport and chinese ,the dancing beijing is a great event,ehich will rock everybody's heart,and we have lots of volunteers...