

2005~2006学年度新目标英语九年级单元测试( Unit6~Unit7 )
班级 姓名 分数________ 发展性评价__________________________
( )1. They like singers write their own songs. A: who B: whose C: what D: which
( )2. What do you think of the group
A: Yes, I like it. B: No, I don't like it. C: I like it a lot. D: The people and the music
( )3. This is the best TV play we've seen this year. A: when B: what C: who D: that
( )4. The music is wonderful because we can it.
A; dance B: dancing D: to dance D: dance to
( )5. What do you think of the girl acted Snow White and the play she and her classmates put on A: which; that B: who; which C: where; who D: that; when
( )6. A few women love movies have scary monsters.
A: that B: who C: whose D: what
( )7. The boy father is reading English is my neighbor.
A: that B: who C: whose D: what
( )8. In order to keep healthy, you should eat fast food, fresh vegetables and take
Exercise. A: fewer; fewer; a lot B: less; less; lots of
C: fewer; more; a lot of D: less; more; enough
( )9. Which music do you prefer, country music or jazz music
A: Either B: both C: Any D: Neither
( )10. is impossible a language well in a day
A: It; to learn B: It; learning C: That; to learn D: That ; learning
( )11. That's not really important me. A: for B: to C: at D: about
( )13. -------- What would you like --------I feel like .
A: drinking; to drink B: to drink; drinking C: drank; to drink D: to drink; drank
( )14.I only eat food that smells . A: well B: better C: best D: good
( )15.I'd like to sail the Pacific because I like something exciting.
A: through B: cross C: across D: pass
( )16. You look unhappy today. What's the matter I practiced, I danced. What
should I do A: The harder; the worse B: The more; the better
C: The hard; the badly D: The hardest; the best
( )17. Over these days, we've seen musical groups with strange dances .
A: comes and goes B: come and go C: to come and go D: coming and going
( )18.They decided to go somewhere .
A: tired B: excited C: relaxing D: interested
( )19. Lots of visitors come to Shanghai because she is city.
A: so a beautiful B: very a beautiful C: such beautiful D: quite a beautiful
( )20. Could you tell me how much it to fly to Hainan
A: spends B: pays C: costs D: wants
( )21. you say, I won't believe you.
A: Whenever B: Wherever C: Whoever D: Whatever
( )22. She hoped through the forest.
A: they can trek B: them to trek C: to trek D: trekking
( )23. We are considering_______ to China next year.
A: move B: to moving C: moving D: to move
( )24. I'd love to have my own company .
A: some days B: someday C: a day D: one day
( )25. -----Where would you like to visit -----I'd like to go somewhere relaxing.
------ .
A: I hope so. B: Hope not. C: I don't hope. D: A and B
二:情景交际 ,补全对话,根据所给情景完成下列对话.(8分)
Dialogue One
A: What do you usually do in your spare time
B: 1 Mark Twain is my favorite writer.
What about you
A: 2 I prefer to take part in some sports.
I like the sports that can help us keep healthy.
Such as swimming, boating, playing basketball
and so on. That's why I go for sports. 3
B: Yes, but 4 I play just for the fun of it.
Dialogue Two
A: 5
B:I can't decide.
A: Well, which color do you like
B: 6 I like the coats that have green leaves on them. But this green is too light.
A: What about this one
B: 7 But I don't like the coat that has no pockets.
A: Then how do you like that one over there
B: 8 I think. Let's ask the shop keeper how much it is.
A: OK. Let's go.
The United States covers a large part of the North 1 continent (洲), when this land first became a nation. After 2 its freedom (自由) from England, it has 13 states. Each of the states had a star on the American flag (旗子). As the nation 3 , new states were formed and there 4 new stars on the flag. 5 a long time, there were forty-eight states. In 1959 two 6 stars were added (加) to the flag, standing for (代表) the new states of Alaska and Hawaii.
7 were the first people of the land and great unmber of people came from England. It is 8 that reason that the language of the U.S. is English and 9 its culture and
customs (文化习惯) are more 10 those of England than any other country in the world.
( )1,A.America B.America's C.American D.Americans
( )2,A.win B.won C.winning D.have won
( )3,A.grew B.grows C.growing D.have grown
( )4,A.are B.were C.have been D.had been
( )5,A.In B.From C.For D.Through
( )6,A.another B.many C.other D.more
( )7,A.India B.Indian C.Indias D.Indians
( )8,A.on B.for C.because D.because of
( )9,A.that B.why C.many D.all
( )10,A.as B.like C.same D.as if
To me , life without music wouldn't be exciting. I realize that this isn't true for everybody. Many people get quite well without going to the concert, and listening to the record. But music plays an important part in everyone's life, whether he realizes it or not. Try to imagine, for example, what films or TV plays would be like without music. Would the feelings, the moving plot(情节), and the greatest interests, be as exciting or dramatic(戏剧性) I'm not sure about it.
Now we have been speaking of music in its more common meaning---the kind of music we hear in the concert hall. But if we look at some parts of music more closely, we will discover them in our daily life too----in the rhythm(旋律)of the sea, the melody of a bird in the woods and so on. So music surely has meaning for everyone, in some way or other. And, of course, it has special for everyone, in some way or other. And, of course, it has special meaning for those who have spent all their lives working on playing or writing music.
It is well said, "Through music a child enters into a world of beauty, expresses himself from his heart, feels the joy of doing things along, learns to take care of others, develops his mind and makes his body strong."
( )1. What does the writer say more about in the text
A: Life full of music. B: Life without music,
C: Importance of music. D: Development of music.
( )2. From the text, we know that many people_____________.
A: don't realize the importance of music B: get along quite well without music
C: go to the concert instead of enjoying music
D: think music would be less exciting than films
( )3. In the writer's opinion, if there was no music in films or TV play,_________.
A: the cinema and the theater would be quiet B: we would lose some of the audience
C: everything would be as exciting as before D: it'd be hard to imagine the result
( )4.What does the underline word "melody" mean in the text
A: flying B: looking C: singing D: living
( )5. From the last paragraph, we learn the music __________.
A: is very important, especially for children B: is very necessary for our daily life
C: can make our life exciting and dramatic D: can enter another beautiful world
1.I wish that I could fly to the moon_________. 2.Where would you like to go on __________.
3. Why not __________ seeing Niagara Falls 4. Living in countryside is quite ___________.
5. It is said that Hong Kong is a wonderful place for _______________.
( _____)Quite a few people like places that the weather is always cool.
( _____)Most students aren't allow to watch TV by their parents.
3. ( _____) There used to have a few small, old houses around our village.
4. ( __________)If I were you, I will do it at once.
5. ( __________)What you do, try to visit your parents as often as possible.
1. He prefers walking there to going by bus.(写出同义句)
He prefers to walk there ____ ___ ____ by bus.
2. Her grandfather is so old that he can't travel around.(改为简单句)
Her grandfather is ____ old ___ travel around.
To spoil children with money is unhealthy.(用it做形式主语改写此句)
___ ____ _____ to spoil children with money.
They are listening to a radio program. The program is about the history of music.

We don't know where we can buy that CD.(改为简单句)_________________________________________________________________________