If You Think You Are相信你自己


第1个回答  2022-06-13
By Walter D. Wintle

 If you think you are beaten, you are如果你自认被打败,你就已经失败

 If you think you dare not, you don't如果你认为你不敢,你就真的不敢

  If you think to win but you think you can't如果你想要获胜却认为自己不可能

  It's almost certain you won't那么你就几乎和胜利无缘

  If you think you'll lose, you've lost如果你认为你会输,你就已经输掉

  For out of the world we find因为这世上我们发现

  Success begins with a person's will.It's all in the state of mind成功始于人的意志

  If you think you're outclassed, you are如果你自认会被超越,你就已被超越

  You've got to think height to rise你必须定下目标

  You've got to be sure of yourself你必须对你自己有信心

  Before you can ever win a prize在你赢得奖励之前

  Life's battles don't always go生活的战斗并不总是这样

  To the stronger or faster man向着更强大、更快的目标前行But sooner or later the man who wins你迟早是那个会赢的人

  Is the man WHO THINKS HE CAN!你必须相信自己