

第1个回答  2022-10-08

A luxurious and foolish king changed his clothes every day. One day two cheats came to the kingdom. They claimed that they could make a magical dress, which only sages could see and fools could not see.

The cheaters demanded a great deal of treasure and kept claiming how expensive and splendid the dress was. The officials sent could not see it. However, they all said they could see it, and so did the king.

Long long ago ,there was a vain(奢侈) king 。He only care about his clothes. Two crooks heard about him. They wanted to trick(戏弄) him.They pretended to(假装) sew some new clothes for the king .And they said that the clothes were invisible(看不见的) only to foolish people.so nobody dare tell the king there was no clothes at all.And the two crooks earned a lot of money.But when the king put the clothes on and walked down the street,a boy said :"The king is only wear his underwear.(内衣)" Finally,the king realized that he had been tricked