我会选择语文和英语。我不想学数学,因为数学比较难…… (请用英文翻译

如果是我,我会选择语文和英语。我不想学数学,因为数学比较难,对我而言。小时候就喜欢语文了,而且语文会让我更多德了解中国德文化。英语呢,我觉得读起来非常德有趣。 (请把这个句子用英文翻译出来,谢谢啦

If it was me,I'd choose Chinese and English. I don't want to study maths,for maths is quite difficult for me. I've loved Chinese since I was a child, and Chinese will also make me know more about China and its culture. And in my opinion, I find it interesting to read English.
第1个回答  2008-09-05
I will choose chinese and english. I don't want to learn math ,it's difficult.