

1. When floods occur, it is crucial to act quickly. Seek higher ground such as rooftops, tall trees, or walls to ensure safety. Use available means to signal for help and if immediate evacuation is not possible, utilize floating objects like boats, boards, or beds to keep yourself afloat until you can reach a safe location.
2. During a flood, it is essential to stay calm and signal for help if you are unable to evacuate immediately. Use whatever floating devices are available to maintain your safety until you can reach a secure area.
3. In the event of a flood, prioritize your safety by moving to higher ground or using floating objects to keep yourself afloat. Attempt to signal for assistance if necessary and seek a safe location as soon as possible.
4. When floods strike, remember to stay calm, signal for help if stranded, and use available floating devices to maintain safety until you can evacuate to a secure area.