

hey, girl, 你只是聊天而已,像那些人翻译得文皱皱的,显得太拘束了,尽量说得轻松点,在老外面前不要说poor english, 那是一个很土的说法.
I wanna chat you by MSN.

perhaps it is a little bit late to reply to you, cause i am still a few problem on english, but getting better.

I am a shy girl,not good at communicating with new friends.

hope we will be good friend if we know more each other.

第1个回答  2008-08-25
I'm also eagerly willing to chat with you on MSN.

But my English is just so-so ,and I may get a little slower when answering yuo
I'm now trying hard to learn English well.

Besides , I''m the kind of girl---shy and cautious ,so it's a little bit difficult to communicate with my new friends .

I hope in the near furture , when we know more about each other ,we can be good friends!
第2个回答  2008-08-26
I'd like to chat with you throngh MSN,too.
But my reply maybe slow due to my poor English.
I'm working hard on English.
I'm a very shy girl that doesn't know much about communicating with new friends happily.
I hope we can learn each other better and be good friends before long.
第3个回答  2008-08-25
i wanna to chat to u on msn too
but my english is not very good,maybe reply to u very slow.
but i m studying english so hard.

i m a girl which is very shy,i dont know how to chat for happy to a friend who is a new gay .

but hope for the future ,we can become good friend by knowing each other day by day.
第4个回答  2008-08-25
I also want to have a conversation with you through MSN.

But my English is not very good. Maybe I'll write back slowly.

I'm studying diligently to improve my English.

I'm a shy girl, and I don't know how to make our conversation a happy one.

I hope we'll know each other and become friends in the near future.
第5个回答  2008-08-24
最快的学英语的方法就是猛记单词 (或者不用记 有时间直接下个金山词霸 用的时候直接查) 不用记语法 直接把单词按中文翻译重组起来 我看过很多人与老外交流就是这样子 语法错误 但是老外完全理解 只要他们理解了 也就达到我们的目的了 这就是最快的方法 即使错几个单词 漏几个不重要的也没事 例如No thank you!每个人都懂 但是英文里确实没这个词组 是个错的