linkin的hands held high 表的寓意是不是反战


  讲的伊拉克 说反战也不完全 准确说讲的是一个美国年轻人(乐队中人的年龄)眼中的现在伊拉克战争以及他所带来得影响 讲的更多的是一种心情
  没有看歌词么 那么现在看一下 然后你就知道是不是反战的了 截取了几段歌词 这歌词太长了 而且因为是rap还都不一样,就不全写了.
  Turn my mic up louder, 调大音量
  I got to say something.我有话要说
  People on the street,街上的人群
  they panic and start running.在恐慌中奔跑
  Like they understand you就如他们了解你
  in the back of the jet,在飞机的坐仓中
  When you can’t put gas in your tank.当你没有汽油胃饱你的汽车
  These fuckers are laughing their way这些**正在欢笑的路上
  to the bank and cashing their check去银行兑换他们的支票
  asking you to have compassion, have respect. 请求你的同情与尊重

  For a leader so nervous 紧张的领袖
  Stuttering and mumbling 迟钝的喃喃自语
  for nightly news to replay在晚间回放
  and the rest of the world让世界的其他人
  watching at the end of the day 于一天的最后时光
  in the living room laughing在笑声中观看
  like what did he say?就如他说的一样?

  Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen阿门

  In my living room watching,电视的屏幕闪烁
  But I am not laughing.不过我却无法笑出
  ‘Cause when it gets tense,因为当他发生时
  I know what might happen.我知道接下来是什么
  The world is cold,世界是这样冷
  The bold men take action.战争在继续
  Have to react,作为回映
  To getting blown into fractio被炸为碎片

  Ten years old is something to see, 10岁的小孩看见了什么
  Another kid my age drug under a jeep,另一个同龄人在车下惨遭不幸
  Taken and bound and found later under a tree,
  I wonder if he thought the next one could be me.也许他在想下一个就会是我
  Do you see?你看见了么
  The soldiers that are out today.出发的士兵
  That brush the dust from bulletproof vests away.清扫着防弹衣上的灰尘
  It’s ironic.讽刺
  At times like this you pray,你祈祷的时候
  But a bomb blew the mosque up yesterday.清真寺早以不再
  There’s bombs in the buses, bikes, roads,炸弹洗礼着街道和车辆
  inside your markets,your shops, your clothes,在你的商场你的家中
  My dad, he’s got a lot of fear I know我的父亲充满了恐惧
  but enough pride inside not to let that show. 不过用自豪掩盖了他的内心
  My brother had a book he would hold with pride我的兄弟手持一本书
  A little red cover with a broken spine.红色的封面破碎的书脊
  In the back he hand wrote a quote inside,背面闪烁着他的笔迹
  when the rich wage war, it’s the poor who die.当统治者发动战争,死去的只有贫民

  And meanwhile, the leader just talks away 此时 领袖正在滔滔不绝
  Stuttering and mumbling 迟钝的喃喃自语
  for nightly news to replay在晚间回放
  and the rest of the world让世界的其他人
  watching at the end of the day观看世界的终结
  both scared and angry充满着恐惧与愤怒
  like what did he say?就如他说的一样?

  Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen.

  With hands held high举起你的双手
  into a sky so blue伸向蓝天
  as the ocean opens up大海张开他的怀抱
  to swallow you. 将你吞噬
第1个回答  推荐于2016-06-07
  讲的伊拉克 说反战也不完全 准确说讲的是一个美国年轻人(乐队中人的年龄)眼中的现在伊拉克战争以及他所带来得影响 讲的更多的是一种心情
  没有看歌词么 那么现在看一下 然后你就知道是不是反战的了 截取了几段歌词 这歌词太长了 而且因为是rap还都不一样,就不全写了.
  Turn my mic up louder, 调大音量
  I got to say something.我有话要说
  People on the street,街上的人群
  they panic and start running.在恐慌中奔跑
  Like they understand you就如他们了解你
  in the back of the jet,在飞机的坐仓中
  When you can’t put gas in your tank.当你没有汽油胃饱你的汽车
  These fuckers are laughing their way这些**正在欢笑的路上
  to the bank and cashing their check去银行兑换他们的支票
  asking you to have compassion, have respect. 请求你的同情与尊重

  For a leader so nervous 紧张的领袖
  Stuttering and mumbling 迟钝的喃喃自语
  for nightly news to replay在晚间回放
  and the rest of the world让世界的其他人
  watching at the end of the day 于一天的最后时光
  in the living room laughing在笑声中观看
  like what did he say?就如他说的一样?

  Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen阿门

  In my living room watching,电视的屏幕闪烁
  But I am not laughing.不过我却无法笑出
  ‘Cause when it gets tense,因为当他发生时
  I know what might happen.我知道接下来是什么
  The world is cold,世界是这样冷
  The bold men take action.战争在继续
  Have to react,作为回映
  To getting blown into fractio被炸为碎片

  Ten years old is something to see, 10岁的小孩看见了什么
  Another kid my age drug under a jeep,另一个同龄人在车下惨遭不幸
  Taken and bound and found later under a tree,
  I wonder if he thought the next one could be me.也许他在想下一个就会是我
  Do you see?你看见了么
  The soldiers that are out today.出发的士兵
  That brush the dust from bulletproof vests away.清扫着防弹衣上的灰尘
  It’s ironic.讽刺
  At times like this you pray,你祈祷的时候
  But a bomb blew the mosque up yesterday.清真寺早以不再
  There’s bombs in the buses, bikes, roads,炸弹洗礼着街道和车辆
  inside your markets,your shops, your clothes,在你的商场你的家中
  My dad, he’s got a lot of fear I know我的父亲充满了恐惧
  but enough pride inside not to let that show. 不过用自豪掩盖了他的内心
  My brother had a book he would hold with pride我的兄弟手持一本书
  A little red cover with a broken spine.红色的封面破碎的书脊
  In the back he hand wrote a quote inside,背面闪烁着他的笔迹
  when the rich wage war, it’s the poor who die.当统治者发动战争,死去的只有贫民

  And meanwhile, the leader just talks away 此时 领袖正在滔滔不绝
  Stuttering and mumbling 迟钝的喃喃自语
  for nightly news to replay在晚间回放
  and the rest of the world让世界的其他人
  watching at the end of the day观看世界的终结
  both scared and angry充满着恐惧与愤怒
  like what did he say?就如他说的一样?

  Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen.

  With hands held high举起你的双手
  into a sky so blue伸向蓝天
  as the ocean opens up大海张开他的怀抱
  to swallow you. 将你吞噬本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2008-08-05
hands held high 旋律满不错的,主题是反战,歌词写得不错。我喜欢啊
第3个回答  2008-08-05
第4个回答  2008-08-05