

As is depicted in the cartoon, a student is asking a librarian whether there is a book on how to perform well in school without learning, and the librarian tells the student that to do well in school without studying only happens in fictions. Undoubtedly, the cartoonist aims at reminding us of a fact that there is no shortcut to learning.
  The rapid living tempo influences our life deeply, but while running after high-efficiency, we should hold a correct attitude toward learning, because learning requires long-term and pains-taking effort and diligence. In fact, hardly can we achieve success without correct learning attitude. As competition in all lines of work grows increasingly fierce, we must defeat our rivals through diligent learning. Numerous examples available can be given, but a case in point is Thomas Edison, who in 1879, after more than 1,000 trials, eventually invented an inexpensive alternative to candles and gaslight: the incandescent lamp. Edison‘s story vividly echoes a well-known proverb——Rome is not built in one day.
  Hence, it is vital for us to derive positive implications from the above picture. For one thing, we should frequently use it to enlighten the young. For another, we should cultivate their awareness that correct proper learning attitude carries great importance. Only by doing so, can the younger generation become winner in the face of learning and life.
第1个回答  2015-04-19
现今的英语学习讥构是很多.好.呀 所以记得选择的时候要很慎重!我之前去学的时候特地比较好几家 最后我去了ABC天卞英语中心,他们是快速英语速成教材 一对一家教式教学 还使我拥有了美国人的思维,而且纠正了我的发音,而且这个学习起来很方便,不用你跑来跑去学习 可以通过一些新颖的学习模式来增加自己对英语学习的兴趣;第一,单词拼写和语法不能有错,这样保证不被扣分。第二,要保证内容是符合题目要求,不要偏题,要包括题目的要点,不能遗漏,漏掉要酌情扣分的。文章思路要清晰,比如分析现象,提出不同观点或者解决措施,按点写,让人一目了然,多看几篇范文,大概就知道了一般的式。第三,尽量用比较高级的词汇,特别是修饰形容词或者动词的副词,比如同一个意思,tsisverybeautiful,这里的very,可以改成extremely,tsisextremelybeautiful,这样档次可以提高很多,very是比较普遍的用词,一般人都会用,大家都用就没什么特别了。评卷的老师也会产生审美疲劳,用一些高级的词汇会让他眼前一亮,加分是自然而然的事。第四,用一些比较高级的句式,不要老是简单的主语+谓语+宾语的式。可以采用一些定语从句,限制性或者非限制性,都可以。简单的举个例子:句一:theyproposedasolutionwchcanresolvetheproblemoftrafficjams.句二:theyproposedasolution,thesolutioncanresolvetheproblemoftrafficjams。明显句一比句二看起来高级点。稍微添加一些高级的句式,会为您的文章亮色不少。但是没把握的过于复杂的句式就不要写了,写好了固然好,但是写错了得扣分哟,所以没把握的就不要冒险了。我想这些您都会,只是写作文的时候忘了发挥,多写几篇,让老师帮忙修改,您的水平肯定会大大提高。