

1. Our school to make a "towards Asian runner" activities. 2. The aim of the activity is to improve student physique, to meet the 2010 guangzhou Asian games. 3. Activity of time is May 1 and 31 May. 4. Activity's content is on May 1, opening ceremony, the school students will conduct ring school running. 5. Actions required: the classmates running every day, the boy ran 2 kilometers, the girl ran 1.5 kilometers, intending to achieve total distance of students more than 2,000 kilometers, equal to the distance from guangzhou to Beijing
第1个回答  2013-12-26
1. our school engage in a "welcome the Asian Games marathon"activities. 2. activitiesaimed at improving physical fitness of students, the 2010 Guangzhou Asian Games. 3.Activities of the time is May 1 to May 31. 4. activities, the content of the opening ceremony on May 1, all students will be ring the school run. 5. Activities requirement:students run every day, boys run 2 km, 1.5 km run girls, the class to the total distance of2,000 kilometers, equivalent to the distance from Guangzhou to Beijing.