

第1个回答  2023-08-18

"In hurry" 和 "in a hurry" 都是表示匆忙的表达方式,但它们之间存在一些区别,包括释义、用法、使用环境、影响范围和形象方面的区别。

1. 释义区别:

"In hurry" 表示着处于匆忙的状态,强调的是匆忙的情况或状态。而 "in a hurry" 则表示具体的行为或动作,强调的是匆忙地进行某个行动。


- She left the house in a hurry. (in a hurry)


- They are always in a hurry to catch the train. (in a hurry)


2. 用法区别:

"In hurry" 通常用作形容词短语,描述处于匆忙状态的人或物。而 "in a hurry" 则可以用作副词短语,描述某人匆忙地做某事。


- I'm sorry, I can't talk right now. I'm in a hurry. (in a hurry)


- The students were in a hurry to finish their assignments. (in a hurry)


3. 使用环境区别:

"In hurry" 可以用于描述整体情况或状态,适用于口语和书面语。而 "in a hurry" 则通常用于描述个体行为,更常见于口语和日常对话。


- We were all in a hurry to catch the last bus. (in a hurry)


- She's always in a hurry in the morning. (in a hurry)


4. 影响范围区别:

"In hurry" 更强调整体的匆忙情况,可以指涉多个人或多个事物的匆忙状态。而 "in a hurry" 则较为具体,一般只涉及到个别人或特定的行动。


- The whole department is in a hurry to meet the deadline. (in a hurry)


- He is always in a hurry to leave the office. (in a hurry)


5. 形象区别:

"In hurry" 给人一种忙乱、匆忙到混乱的形象,强调的是整体的忙碌状态。而 "in a hurry" 给人一种紧迫、忙碌但有目标的形象,强调的是个体的行动和目的。


- The students rushed in hurry to submit their assignments. (in a hurry)


- She ran in a hurry to catch the bus. (in a hurry)
