求翻译成英语: 今天天气很不错,可是我却觉得糟糕透了。因为我的英语听写不合格,还要被数学老师请到



Today is a nice day, but I feel terrible. Because my English dictation failed, and my math teacher will ask me to talk to him in his office.I have nothing to do but hope tomorrow is a peaceful day.追答


第1个回答  2015-09-01
Today's weather is really great, but I'm feel very depressed. Because My spelling test was did not passed and I called teacher's office. Ah, what can I do? Hope tomorrow will be better.
第2个回答  2015-09-01
Today's weather is really great, but I'm very much depressed. My spelling test did not pass, and I was called to the math teacher's office. Ah, what can I do? Hope tomorrow will be better.
第3个回答  2015-09-01
The weather is fine today, but I feel bad. Because my English dictation is not qualified, but also to be a math teacher, please go to the office. Well, there is no way, ah, I hope that tomorrow can be spent
第4个回答  2015-09-01
The weather of today is very good, but I felt terrible. Because I failed my English dictation, but also by the math teacher please go to the office. Alas, is really no way to ah,hope can weather tomorrow.