hurt oneself

是什么意思,造句hurt himself是不是可以我,你,他…………

“hurt oneself--- 伤了自己;自己伤到自己 ;
例句:1.Rather hurt oneself , but never hurt others.(宁可伤害自己,也不伤害别人。)
2. If you hurt other people, just hurt yourself.(如果你伤害了别人,也就在伤害了自己。)
3. So his smoking is not only to hurt himself, but also hurt his own family.(所以他抽烟不仅伤害自己,而且伤害自己的家人。)” 谢谢!
第1个回答  2013-11-10
你好,是自己伤害自己的意思。例:One day,I fell off my bike and hurt myself badly .
第2个回答  2013-11-10
伤害某人。。可是是我 你 他
第3个回答  2013-11-10
你好 ! 当然可以, 如 :
She hurts me who hurt her who hurts him.