中国国旗有什么象征意义?(用英语回答的) 很急啊

要用英语回答的 中国国旗有什么象征意义 中文的我自己知道 就是用英语不知道怎么说啊 谁知道麻烦告诉我一下 真的很急 ~~!!!谢谢了!!!

Flag surface for red, drafts likely is revolutionizing. The upper left side is decorating five decadent five pointed star stars; A star is big, occupies left; Four stars are small, the link arches right Yu Daxing the, and has an acute angle respectively to the big star central point. The big five pointed star star represents the Communist Party of China, four social classes which on behalf of the People's Republic of China four small five pointed star stars respectively was established when our country people include: Working class, peasantry, urban petty bourgeoisie, national bourgeoisie. Under five five pointed star star's reciprocity drafts the Communist Party of China to lead likely the revolutionary people great solidarity and the people to party's supporting wholeheartedly. Five star aspect Yu Qimian upper left side, resembles sparkles the stars to occupy a commanding position, the gold and greens shine on each other, shine upon the earth, the river sky are vast, the mountains and rivers are grand.
第1个回答  2013-10-11
THe color red fo the Chinese Flag live represents the Chinese civil war. THe big star at the upper righr hand cornor represents the Chinese communist government. The four smaller stars represents all Chinese people. Te relation between all five stars signify the demotic unity under the leadership of Chinese Communist.
第2个回答  2013-10-11
the redness of the flag represents the revolution.the big star is to shine in the red land of revolution.the big star represents Chinese Communist,the four smaller stars represent the chinese people.the relation between all five stars signify the demotic unity under the leadership of Chinese Communist.
第3个回答  2023-08-11
中华人民共和国国旗旗面为红色象征革命。 旗上的五颗五角星及其相互关系象征共产党领导下的革命人民大团结。 星用黄色是为着在红地上显出光明,四颗小五角星各有一角正对着大星的中心点,表示围绕着一个中心而团结。 关于国旗的问题,毛泽东主席指出,五星红旗这个图案表现我们革命人民大团结。 现在要大团结,将来也要大团结,因此,现在也好,将来也好,又是团结,又是革命。 1949年9月27日,全国政协第一届全体会议的全体代表通过决议,选定了由曾联松设计的五星红旗为中华人民共和国国旗。 决议指出:“中华人民共和国的国旗为红地五星旗,象征中国革命人民大团结。