

在零售业,不可避免,偶尔会有不满意的客户。不管你的产品有多好,或者你有多想提供最好的客户服务,也避免不了要出现问题。参照以下客户服务技巧,可以帮你化解难题,挽回生意,可能还会为你带来一个忠诚的客户。Stay Calm and Remember It's Not Personal保持冷静,并记住这不是私人问题When a customer is upset, remember that it is not a personal attack. Let them talk as long as they need to, not only to get it off their chest, but to thoroughly explain the problem. Listen carefully! You cannot fix what you don't understand, so be sure to ask the customer enough questions to learn what is bothering them. By simply listening, the customer will realize that you are interested in their problem and he/she will eventually calm down enough to discuss the situation in a positive manner.表达你的歉意和同情Once you understand why the customer is upset, apologize. Even if you don't agree with their complaint, you are at least letting them know you validate them and will work towards a resolution. This also separates the emotion from the problem. As a general rule, the expression of empathy to the customer should come right after the apology. When you feel you fully understand, restate your understanding of the problem at hand.在你明白客户为什么不满之后,向他们道歉,即使你不认同他们的抱怨,至少要让他们知道你肯定他们的看法,并且会努力找到解决的方法。这也可以将个人情绪从问题中分离出来。一般的规则是,向客户道歉后应该马上表达你的同情。当你感觉自己完全弄明白了发生了什么事情后,向客户重申你对该问题的理解。【中口备考班】请往这里走>>>【高口备考班】请往这里走>>>