Go to school与go to the school区别

书上说go to school 是去学校学习而goto the school是去学校开会或办事等,那我想如果去学校打扫卫生用哪个呀?

Go to school与go to the school区别:

1、go to school是去上学,只有学生可以做。 

2、go to the school是去学校,任何人都可以去学校的。

3、如果去学校打扫卫生用go to the school。


1、At noon, go to the school to pick up her daughter, to go halfway, saw her with a female classmate walked, side plays. 


2、David and Kevin are classmates. They both go to school by bicyles. 




in school 在求学

at school 在学校;在上课;在求学

high school 中学

middle school n. 中学

after school 放学后

primary school 小学

in the school 在学校

at school 在学校 ; 在上学 ; 在上课 ; 在学校上课

school district 学区 ; 学校区 ; 校区 ; 正在翻译

after school 放学后 ; 朴嘉熙 ; 因为你 ; 放学

第1个回答  2018-06-30

Go to school与go to the school区别:

1、go to school是去上学,只有学生可以做。 

2、go to the school是去学校,任何人都可以去学校的。

3、如果去学校打扫卫生用I go to the school to sweep。


Go to school

1、I go to school usually on foot. 


2、She will have to go to school 


3、One morning, I didn't want to go to school, and decided to feign illness 


4、Where will he go to school now he's been thrown out of Eton? What will become of him?


5、I want to try my hand at politics, or go back to the law. I don't want to go to school for it, though 


第2个回答  2013-10-14
go to school是去上学,只有学生可以做。 go to the school是去学校,任何人都可以去学校的。用I go to the school to sweep本回答被提问者和网友采纳
第3个回答  2013-10-14
go to school=. 上学;求学

1. My little girl does not go to school;she has a governess. 我的小女儿没有上学,她有位家庭女教师。

2. He'll go to school in the latter part of the year. 后半年他将上学了。

3. Your mum will go spare if you don't go to school! 要是你不上学,你妈妈会气坏的!

4. In this country children of denizen go to school free. 在这个国家外籍居民的孩子免费上学。

5. Children need some orientation when they go to school. 小孩子上学时需要适应。

go to the school 到学校去

1. I ride the vehicle to go to the school andthe in the school. 偶叔叔周一早上要坐公交车去上班,用英语如何说?

2. It is very important that he should go to the school of Art. 非常重要的是他应该去艺术学校。

3. Also, I also like riding the direct acting vehicle to go to the school. 还有,我还喜欢骑直行车去学校。

4. Stan: Would you like to go to the school party with me this Saturday? 史丹:这星期六你要和我一起参加学校的舞会吗?

5. So Carver decided that the school must go to the farmers. 因此卡弗认为必须要到农户中去办学。
第4个回答  2013-10-14
当然是go to school啊!那个the school的用法了解一下就可以,这个不是特别常用,除非以后学英语专业。你们会较常用到的是in hospital 和in the hospital的区别。in hospital是住院,in the hospital是去医院(办事或看望别人)。O(∩_∩)O追问

那如果老师去学校上班呢?医生去医院上班应该用in the hospital对吗


老师上班是go to school,你说去学校打扫卫生就是go to school to clean the classroom.医生上班是go to hospital啊,如果是上文提到过的医院,特指的,可以在hospital前加the。


医生去上班应该 the吧因为它不是看病,老师上班应该用go to the school,go to school 是去学校学习,书上写的


内个,首先hospital的那个,是区分in hospital和in the hospital之间的区别,go to hostial怎么说呢,就是根据语意翻译过来的,就没有那么多特殊含义了,加不加the就看上下文吧~~那老师去上班就用go to the school吧,:-P


那你说去学校打扫卫生 the吗,因为书上去学习用go to school去学校办事用go to the school

那你说去学校打扫卫生 the吗,因为书上去学习用go to school去学校办事用go to the school
