

The girl named Lucy. She is my best friend. We often play together and learn.Every morning, she would go to school with me. After school, she always and Igo home. Teachers say that we are sisters. She usually likes to watch TV andplay computer games. She also like to read and write operations. We are like sisters, is the sum of close friend friend + + sister, this is my good friend-- Lucy!这个女孩叫露西。她是我最要好的朋友。我们经常在一起玩耍和学习。每一天早上,她都会和我一起上学。放学的时候,她也总是和我一块回家。老师们都说我们是姐妹。她平时都喜欢看电视和玩电脑。同样她平时也喜欢读书和写作业。我们亲如姐妹,可谓是死党+闺蜜+姐妹的总和,这就是我的好朋友——露西!

第1个回答  2013-10-09
The girl is named Lucy .She is my best friend .We always play together and study together.Every morning ,she will go to school with me . When the all classes over ,she will back home with .Teachers say we are sisters.She usually like watching TV and playing computer . She always reading book ,writting homework .