
like 。!~ 用法 和 固定搭配 急求啊。!~

最好简洁一点。 分类 也好。

1. 喜欢;喜爱;喜好;爱好:2. 希望;想;要;意欲:委员会想听听你对这问题的见解。3. 愿意[常用于否定句]:4. [口语]使…感到惬意;合…的口味;适合…的肠胃[用于否定句]:5.表比较:
1. (性质、性格、外貌、形状)像;如;像…一样:例句: Tom is like his father in looks.
汤姆的相貌像他父亲。2. (方式、方法)像;似:例句: I don't want to act like my friend.
我不想像我朋友那样干。3. 和…相似;比得上…:例句: There is nobody like the old woman for telling a story.
论讲故事没人能比得上这个老太太。4. 想要;希望;渴望;有意于 (前面常用 feel):例句: Not one of the workers felt like having a rest.
工人们谁也不休息一下。5. 好像要;看上去好像会;预示…的 (前面常用 look):例句: The weather looks like clearing up.
天气好像会放晴。6. 代表…的特征;符合…的特点;像…才会…:例句: It is not like her to make foolish mistakes.
她才不会犯愚蠢的错误呢。7. [口语]比如;例如:例句: They export a lof of fruit, like apples, oranges, lemons, etc.
1. and (或 or) the like …等等;诸如此类2. anything like见 anything3. as like as chalk and (或 to) cheese根本不同;实质不同4. (as) like as not[口语]很可能;多半 [亦作 like enough; very like]5. as like as two peas极为相似,一模一样6. be like[口语]说,认为 [引导要说的话或想法]: He's like,“I don't believe it.” and I'm like, “No, it's true!” 他说:“我不相信它”。而我说:“不,那是真的!”7. feel like见 feel8. had like (to)差点儿就要,几乎…9. like a bat out of hell飞快地,快速地10. like a bear garden[口语]乱糟糟的地方11. like a bull at a gate[口语]凶猛地;狂怒地12. like a dream正如人们所希望的那样13. like a hot knife through butter非常容易地,易如反掌地14. like a house on fire热情地;干劲十足地;(相处得)极好地15. like anything[口语]极其;猛烈地;使劲地;全力地;拼命地16. like as[方言]如同,正如17. Like attracts (或 draws to) like.[谚语]物以类聚。18. Like begets like.[谚语]龙生龙,凤生凤。有其因必有其果。19. like billy.[俚语]猛烈地;使足力气地20. like blazes

a. 极;非常;激烈地;猛烈地;快速地
b. 不;决不21. like crazy[口语]疯狂地;拼命地;飞快地22. Like cures like.[谚语]以毒攻毒。23. Like father (或 mather) like son (或 daughter).[谚语]有其父(或母)必有其子(或女)。24. Like for like.以牙还牙;以恩(仇)报恩(仇);一报还一报。25. like hell见 hell26. like it or lump it[口语]管你喜欢不喜欢27. Like knows like.[谚语]英雄识英雄。28. like mad[口语]疯狂地;…得要命;非常迅速地29. like nothing on earth世间罕有的30. like (或 liked) to差点儿就要;近乎31. Like tree, like fruit.[谚语]什么树结什么果。32. look like见 look33. make like见 make34. more like(it)[口语]更接近(实际、愿望等);几乎接近(某数目);大约35. nothing like全然不同
第1个回答  2013-10-20
爱好, 同样的人(或物)
相似的, 同样的
喜欢, 希望, 愿意
喜欢, 希望
象, 如同

like doing sth、
like to do sth (喜欢干某事
be like (像本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2013-10-20
like to do sth.喜欢做某事表示一次性或特定的具体动作。 like doing sth. 表示经常性习惯性动作。 like sb. to do sth. 喜欢某人做某事。 feel like doing 想做某事 would like sb. to do srh. 想要某人做某事。