

第1个回答  2014-07-08
From all walks of life, students must be thebiggest group. It’s common to hear complaints from students. Most say they areunder great pressure. Some say they want more freedom and entertainments. Whaton earth makes school life quite tough? The answers from people of all ages maybe the same: high marks and rankings. So, do the test grades deserve so muchattention? Whether marks encourage students to learn or not? It’s controversialand opinions vary from each other.

In terms of supporters, they agree that marksencourage students to learn. There are several reasons for it. Firstly, theyconsider texts’ marks as proof of students’ study and efforts during a specificperiod. Marks can easily reflect whether students study by heart or not.Secondly, from the marks and tests, teachers can evaluate their teachingmethods and teaching armaments. It’s an essential way for teachers to know students’mastery of knowledge. Thirdly, grade is a measurement which allows students tocompare with others so as to know their own shortcomings and strong points instudy. Fourthly, grades have a great effect on students’ emotion. When gettinghigh marks, they enjoy the success and set their mind on getting biggersuccess. When getting low marks, they are motivated to gain big progress. So inthis way, both high and low marks can be motivations to students.