

就拿印度洋毛里求斯群岛上生活的渡渡鸟来说,由于它身上的肉鲜美无比,所以遭到当时人类的大量捕食,在十七世纪就已告灭绝。但是如果当时人们有动物保护意识的话,就不会造成渡渡鸟的灭绝。再说生活在我国青藏高原的藏羚羊吧,因为它其外层皮毛下面的被称作沙图什的绒毛异常精细,可以用来织成华丽的披肩,而惨遭偷猎者大肆捕杀。因为织出一条女式沙图什披肩便需要300至400克生绒,这意味着要牺牲3只藏羚羊的生命。所以在上世纪90年代初期,藏羚羊的数目只有65000只到72500只之间,要知道这只有100年前藏羚羊总数的十分之一。所幸的是人们意识到了保护这种濒临灭绝的动物。现在北京已有多名志愿者来到可可西里担当起义务看护藏羚羊的活动。同时国际爱护动物基金会从1999年起每年为我国藏羚羊保护捐赠8万至10万美金用以在可可西里、羌塘和阿尔金山三大自然保护区开展反盗猎行动和针对藏羚羊保护的各种宣传活动。我们人类正 慢慢将藏羚羊这种可爱的动物从灭绝的边缘拉回来。



第1个回答  2008-11-24
Watching the birds fly in the sky, watching the fish in water travel. Perhaps you think the world of animals, many of you! But do you know that the animal is not only small but also some very rare animals, and even some of the animals have become extinct. According to biologists estimate that thousands of years human beings have been killed so species of animals, at least more than a few hundred. As a result, the world's animal species less and less, if we can not save a timely manner, then the future of the world's only animal to human, we own it! Do not you think that I was "alarmist", you Ruobu Xin, I can tell you that.

Take the Indian Ocean islands of Mauritius Dodo life, because it is very delicious meat of the body, so at that time was of a large number of human predation, in the seventeenth century were already extinct. At that time, but if people have the awareness of animal protection, it would not cause the extinction of the Dodo. Furthermore living in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in China's Tibetan antelope, because it is below the outer layer of skin called the shahtoosh of abnormal hair fine and can be used to weave into a gorgeous shawl, and the poachers were caught and killed wantonly. Because of a women's weaving shahtoosh shawls will need 300-400 grams of Health down, which means that 3 to sacrifice the lives of Tibetan antelope. So in the early 90s of the last century, Tibetan antelope, only the number of 65000-72500, to know that this is only 100 years Qiancang one-tenth of the total number of antelope. Fortunately people aware of the protection of this endangered animal. Beijing now has more than volunteers came to Hoh Xil to take care obligations of Tibetan antelope. At the same time, the International Fund for Animal Welfare from 1999 to a year in China藏羚羊保护donation 80000-100000 for the U.S. in the Hoh Xil, the Altun Mountains and the Qiangtang Nature Reserve, the three major anti-poaching operations and for a variety of藏羚羊保护Campaign. We human beings is slowly Tibetan antelope to this lovely animal from extinction back.

Friends, animals are left to the human nature of the priceless, it is our human friends. Their Health Yan Simie with our human life is closely related. A large number of animals to human destruction would have serious adverse consequences, resulting in serious ecological imbalance, so that the living environment of human destruction. Let us start from now on, I start to protect the animals, making the world a better place for it!