

第1个回答  2022-06-13


  描写西瓜的英语作文 篇1

  I like watermelon, it has a very thick clothes, the circle body, red red meat, sweet water, there are many black doll. The dress is green, meat and water is red, black doll is black. Watermelons are very healthy. Watermelon is only to the summer when only, its leaves are green, very good. Blossom time is like many chicks in the play, all over the floor, took many line some people say to eat watermelon can be cool, delicious and tasty.

  描写西瓜的英语作文 篇2

  Who would not want to eat a ripe juicy crunchy cool slice of watermelon in the hot


  I found one of the best places to buy a watermelon was from a fruit stand near my home . They were stored in a truck of which driver was seller. He was a good seller and helped me how to choose one. He also told me something about watermelon :

  watermelon are picked when ripe, unlike those found in supermarkets. Watermelons sold in commercial grocery stores are often picked early,so they can ripen while being transported. However, the melons can arrive too early, even too late, and making them, well, just not good.

  Look for a melon that is nice looking, meaning free of dents, bruises, cuts, etc. Check under the melon - if it has a yellow or light bottom, it should be ripe. If it's stripes are found all around the melon, pass on it. It's just not ready yet.

  You may see people at the market tapping on watermelon. What exactly are they listening for? They are checking for signs of hollowness. It is sounds hollow, its ripe. Not hollow, unripe.

  Look for a heavy melon. Watermelons are made up of mostly water, so an ideal melon should be heavy for its size.

  Therefore I not only bought a nice watermelon also learnt lots from him.

  描写西瓜的英语作文 篇3

  Watermelon is a tender,warm-season vegetable.Watermelons can be grown in all parts of the country,but the warmer temperatures and longer growing season of southern areas especially favor this vegetable.Gardeners in northern areas should choose early varieties and use transplants.Mulching with black plastic film also promotes earliness by warming the soil beneath the plastic.Floating row covers moderate temperatures around the young plants,providing some frost protection in unseasonable cold spells.

  Seedless watermelons are self-sterile hybrids that develop normal-looking fruits but no fully developed seeds.The seeds for growing them are produced by crossing a normal diploid watermelon with one that has been changed genetically into the tetraploid state.The seeds from this cross produce plants that,when pollinated by normal plants,produce seedless melons.

  In seedless watermelons (genetic triploids),rudimentary seed structures form but remain small,soft,white,tasteless and undeveloped tiny seedcoats that are eaten virtually undetected along with the flesh of the melon.Seed production for these seedless types is an extremely labor intensive process that makes the seeds relatively expensive.Because germination of these types is often less vigorous than normal types,it is recommended that they be started in peat pots or other transplantable containers,where the germinating conditions can be closely controlled Once transplanted,cultivation is similar to that for regular watermelons.

  For pollination necessary to set fruit,normal seed types must be interplanted with seedless melons.The pollinator should be distinct from the seedless cultivar in color,shape or type so that the seedless and seeded melons in the patch can be separated at harvest.Because seedless types do not put energy into seed production,the flesh is often sweeter than normal types and the vines are noticeably more vigorous as the season progresses.

  描写西瓜的英语作文 篇4


  In the fruit Kingdom, people like watermelon the most. Especially in summer, watermelon business is the hottest. Watermelon like a ball, round, the color is light green and dark green, the whole body has long black stripes.


  Watermelon flesh is the meat that everyone likes to eat. Watermelon with a knife "cut" open, immediately saw the red flesh black seeds. If you take a bite, the sweet juice will reach your stomach, which is the most delicious in the world. If you put an ice in the refrigerator, the ice watermelon will "eat" my sweat, which is the best solution to the summer heat.


  After reading my composition, you must think watermelon is a treasure!

  描写西瓜的英语作文 篇5

  Watermelon wearing a green military uniform, there is a pattern on the military uniform. Some round and aunt big ball, some similar ellipse like exhibition, their heads often also left a small plait, as cute cute. The watermelon cut with vertical pattern, you will see the red pulp and the like Xia dolphin like Black Pearl seeds like bursts of fragrance, gladdening the heart and refreshing the mind will surround you, you attract, you can not help to taste, bite, a sweet as honey Watermelon Juice will flow in the entrance, people appetites. Watermelon is really delicious!


  描写西瓜的英语作文 篇6


  There are countless fruits in the fruit Kingdom, but my favorite is the big watermelon.


  On Saturday, my father bought me a big watermelon. It was dressed in dark green striped clothes, round body and pigtail. It looked like a fat pig from a distance. I take a knife to cut it. The red pulp makes my mouth water. There are many watermelon seeds in the red pulp, like little black rice. There are irregular white lines in the red pulp, like a blood vessel. The watermelon is finally cut. I eat it with a big mouth, ah! What a sweet and delicious watermelon.


  Dad can really buy watermelon!

  描写西瓜的英语作文 篇7


  This summer vacation is really fun.


  I went to Shenyang for a tour with my mother, uncle and aunt. It happened that ZTE shopping mall in Taiyuan street was holding a watermelon eating competition. Uncle and aunt happily reported their names. They were on the 37th and the 38th respectively. The competition was held in groups of three. After a while, they came to the competition. Everyone who participated in the competition had to eat a quarter of the watermelon, that is, eight pieces of watermelon. With a whistle, everyone began to eat watermelon crazily. At first, there was an uncle who ate a little faster than my uncle. Later, my uncle caught up with him. My aunt was a girl. She didn't eat so fast, but she also worked hard. They ate crazily over there. My mother and I were busy taking pictures and taking pictures for them. After the game, my uncle got them Although my aunt was behind, she insisted on finishing the competition. Each of them got a big watermelon as a reward. My uncle also got the qualification to participate in the final. Unfortunately, it will take some days for the final to go on, so we can't participate in it.


  Although we didn't participate in the final because of time, the watermelon eating competition still brought us a lot of joy.

  描写西瓜的英语作文 篇8

  Watermelon contains nutrition, except for vitamin A, B1, B2, vitamin C, at the same time it contains no fat, therefore, eat not only beauty, also won't get fat. In addition, it can also cool thirst diuretic, but the watermelon should not eat excessive, will cause indigestion and diarrhea.

  The watermelon is juicy and delicious, even the rind also has many uses; can be made into preserves, salted butter or cooking, cold through the rind can also wipe my face, with cool anti-inflammatory and nutrient supplement moisture effect of beauty.


