

第1个回答  2023-10-29
The difference between Chinese and American education lies in the different teaching objectives of the elementary education in the two countries: = China's primary education will develop children's intelligence, children's high scores as the primary goal; and in the United States, the purpose of primary education is only one: to foster children's creativity. Attitude towards performance is different
The Chinese child, a bad report card will make him receive pressure from all sides. However, in the United States, the end of each student's articles transcripts are time private. Parents do not give children too much pressure. Scores in the hearts of adults than the ability to far. But most of the students to China "the score". = The two countries are different in the view of knowledge:
Education in China pays attention to the accumulation of knowledge and the cultivation of students' respect for knowledge and authority as well as the inheritance of knowledge and the construction of the system of knowledge.
The United States is more emphasis on training students to use the practical ability of knowledge, pay attention to the cultivation of students' knowledge and authority of the question, critical spirit and knowledge of the expansion and creation.
These two kinds of education expressed a different attitude towards knowledge: the difference between the static dynamic Chinese education with the United States, a move that reflects this static view of knowledge between the two differences.