帮我翻译一段话 中翻英 谢谢~

由于对外开放,中国社会和文化在异文化和外来语的冲击下日趋开放化和包容化, 为外来语的形成提供了前提条件。
2国际化的趋势越来越明显,国际化进程也越来越快,中国强烈的认识到,只有与世界接轨才是明智之举。与国际接轨,我们就要学习西方先进技术,接受国际产物,与国际接轨, 我们就要接受国际通用语言。由于国际化的趋势,英语和科学技术开始普遍,越来越多科学技术语直接使用英文词语。

第1个回答  2009-04-10
1 the progress of Chinese society, the improvement of people's living standard effects of words.
Due to the opening to the outside world, China's social and cultural origins in different cultures and under the impact of digitalizing and tolerance, more for their formation provides the prerequisite.
2 the trend of internationalization is more and more obvious, internationalization and faster, China strongly realized that only connecting with the world is advisable. And the international community, we will learn western international advanced technology, product, and the international community, we will accept the international language. Due to the trend of internationalization, English, science and technology began more directly use English language of science and technology.
第2个回答  2009-04-10
1.the improvement of China's society and people's living standard influences the formation of exotic language. Because of the policy of opening up to the outside world, China's society and culture has been more and more open and receptive under the impact of foreign culture and exotic language, which provides the prerequisite to the development of exotic language.

2.The trend of globalization are becoming tremendous, and the pace being faster. China now has a stong realization that to be in line with international conventions is the only sensible choice. To attain this, we should import advanced technology from the west, accept international product and learn international language. Due to globalization, English language and science and technology are practiced widespreadly, thus more and more scientific terms are expressed directly in English.本回答被提问者采纳
第3个回答  2009-04-10
International trends are becoming evident, the process of internationalization has become increasingly fast, strong understanding of China that the world is only wise. With international practice, we will have to learn advanced Western technology, acceptance of international product line with international standards, we will accept the international lingua franca. The international trend, the beginning of English and general science and technology, more and more direct language of science and technology in English words.

China's social progress and improvement of people's lives affect the formation of foreign words. As the opening to the outside world, Chinese society and culture in different cultures and foreign language under the impact of an increasingly open and inclusive, and for the formation of foreign words has provided preconditions.