Peak 读后感


第1个回答  2022-07-29

8月读的书是 PEAK: Secrets from the New Science of Expertise ,中文翻译成《刻意练习:如何从新手到大师》。从中文的书名,刻意清楚地看出这本书叙述的方法是刻意练习——deliberate practice。


第一章是The Power of Purposeful Practice :为正式引入deliberate practice做了铺垫。

首先定义了 Purposeful practice is all about putting a bunch of baby steps together to reach a longer-term goal.

Purposeful Practice有以下几个特点:


第二章是Harnessing Adaptability :这为刻意练习提供了脑科学的理论基础


第三章是Mental Representations :与deliberate practice相互作用

Mental Representations也就是心理表征,它类似于我们所说的“经验”。对于它和刻意练习的关系我深表认同。就拿学生平常做的练习题来说,我们做这些题并不是为了在考试中遇到一模一样的题,而是建立起这个知识点的Mental Representations。

第四章是The Gold Standard :正式介绍“刻意练习”


第五章和第六章Principles of Deliberate Practice on the Job/in Everyday Life :讲述了刻意练习在工作与生活中的应用

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第七章是The Road to Extraordinary :刻意练习可以让我们走向卓越

这四个阶段是按实施的先后顺序安排的。我们想要真正练就一项技能,少不了经历这几个阶段。我比较有感悟的最后一个阶段PATHBREAKERS,我觉得这是我们不断hone our skills的动力。

第八章讲的是But What About Natural Talent :刻意练习练就“天才”


第九章讲的是Where Do We Go from Here :刻意练习的意义



1. hone: to make something perfect or completely suitable for its purpose磨练,磨砺;训练 finely honed(=extremely well-developed) intuition极度发达的直觉

2. in a nutshell: used when you are stating the main facts about something in a short, clear way一言以蔽之,简括地说,用一句话概括

3. pep talk : a short speech intended to encourage someone to work harder, win a game etc鼓舞士气的讲话,激励性讲话

4. Draw :the final result of a game or competition in which both teams or players have the same number of points平局,和局

5. Rekindle: to make someone have a particular feeling, thought etc again重新激起,重新唤起

6. reminiscent: reminiscent of sth  reminding you of something使人想起某事的

7. virtuous circle :a series of events in which each one seems to increase the good effects of the previous one 良性循环

vicious circle :a situation in which one problem causes another problem, that then causes the first problem again, so that the whole process continues to be repeated  恶性循环

8. boil down to :informal if a long statement, argument etc boils down to a single statement, that statement is the main point or cause要点是某事,归结为某事

9. be in full swing :if an event or process is in full swing, it has reached its highest level of activity正在热烈进行中,正酣时

10. full-fledged :completely developed, trained, or established 全面发展的; 经过全面训练的; 成熟的

11. brush up on :to practise and improve your skills or your knowledge of something that you learned in the past温习,复习

12. flip side :the bad effects of something that also has good effects负面,反面

13. breeze through :to achieve something very easily轻松完成; 轻松通过

14. kick in :informal to start or to begin to have an effect开始见效; 开始运作

15. plug into :to realize that something is available to be used and use it意识到可以利用
