

第1个回答  2009-04-01
North雄关thistle -黄崖关the Great Wall is located in the northern mountainous area of Jixian male both奇秀risk to age a long time, many changes, clever layout, facility-wide as a masterpiece in the history of building the Great Wall and Great Wall Museum, "water off", " gossip city ", stone monuments and other attractions at the Great Wall that can line.

Between 1985 and 1987, re-repair of the Jixian ancient Great Wall of Walled黄崖关and the Pacific, opening up two points, a total of 3025 meters to repair the wall, 20 Rendezvous, a town gossip clearance is a clearance floor,寨堡a China Great Wall restoration project the longest. Gousse Haimen - Dagu Battery site is located 60 kilometers southeast of Tanggu, Tianjin Haihe River and Bohai Bay area of the Interchange, the existing Fort 3, to "wai", "town", "sea" naming words. Sky Tower Xuan Yun - Tianjin TV Tower is located in the urban south-west, with a total height of 415.2 meters for fourth in the world, Asia's second tower.

Lungtan floating Chui - Water Park is located in the urban south-west, covers an area of 200 hectares, the park has three lakes, nine islands, the southern end there is more than a hundred species of rare animals have a zoo. Hometown Pursuit - Ancient Culture Street is located at the northeast corner of the Old City is the birthplace of Tianjin to Tin Hau Temple as the center, set the ancient streets, smell, taste, Tianjin, and cultural flavor as one of the many shops. Tianjin Ancient Culture Street, built in 1986 opened New Year's Day, Street 580 meters long, on the whole fake-money for the building built in the style of folk, Tin Hau Temple (temple) is located in the center of the whole Street.

Jixian at the jungle north of the Yanshan, Hebei Province, east of Malange Zunhua Guan County, west of Beijing General Pinggu clearance, a total length of 42 kilometers, the Great Wall are part of the ancient Chinese, there is Rendezvous 66, namely敌楼52, Fiberhome 14 Units. After Xun Yellow River between steep cliffs, Block has been referred to as the "North雄关thistle" in黄崖关, Jingdong military are strategically located and difficult place. According to the History on the Great Wall was built in Northern Qi Dynasty Jixian years after the Sui and Ming had rebuilt and built.

Street, nearly the whole home stores, there is the operating characteristics of the place in Tianjin Yangliuqing杨柳青年画draw the agency operating the colorful clay figurine clay figurine Zhang Department of colorful handicrafts business, there is operating four treasures, celebrity pictures and the Sibao together at Spring Church, there is business Heritage antique relics zhai Sui Man company's marketing department, operating across the country have cloisonne, double-sided embroidery, dental jade, art ceramics, Chinese and Western instruments, such as gold and silver jewelry million on dozens of high-quality arts and crafts stores, a variety of genuine merchandise , and cheap, the quality and credibility of business in order to attract foreign tourists. Ancient Culture Street, the "Chinese taste, Tianjin taste, cultural taste, the ancient style" in operating characteristics, hard business for 12 years, a total of 6 total turnover.

9 billion, record profits and taxes 58 million yuan, and foreign tourists had received 12 million views, the party and state leaders have visited have visited here, Comrade Deng Xiaoping's inspection at Ancient Culture Street, said: "Ancient Culture Street is very characteristic of Attraction of foreigners must have. "Ancient Culture Street to rich folk customs, Zhou warm welcome to the service of tourists around the world to visit, shopping. Put water-xia - Haihe River flows through the city landscape, 74 kilometers in length, are high-profile tour of the scenic routes. 3暮雨- Panshan Jixian City resort is located at 12 kilometers to the northwest, is one of China's 15 major mountains.

The main attractions the city has-day Temple, Wansong Temple Temple Cloud cover, poke holes, such as hanging peak month. Ku Ming-Shan Xu no. Four are also known as Shan, Longshan site. Panshan at latitude 40 ° 05 '~ 40 ° 06', longitude 117 ° 15 '~ 117 ° 18'. Township is located in the northern part of county officials, 12.5 kilometers northwest from the county seat. South Yanshan Mountains are part of the expenses system, in the low-mountain landscape, the general altitude of 400 ~ 600 meters. Linked to the main peak on peak height of 864.4 meters above sea level. The general slope is greater than 35 °, an area of about 20 square kilometers.

Panshan class because of the rock group the development of vertical joints, with the typical "globular weathering" feature, so the formation of Qi Lin, a unique landscape of towering rock formations. The main soil types of cinnamon and thick bone, more than 750 meters of the mountain for the local mountain brown soil. Vegetation type is coniferous forest tabulaeformis communities, Chinese pine, cork oak forest community. Panshan to deep mountain ravine, rock Qi-Song,秀木Qingquan, known for ancient temples, known as the "first Jingdong Mountain" and one of Chinese famous 15.

Panshan many landscapes, one of the "3", "Wufeng," "eight stone," with. Central彩练- in the scenic loop in the loop line in Tianjin are major trunk roads and beautiful scenery along the way, you can watch one. Drunk on two cities - City Food Street, the hotel is located in Street, the old urban area of Tianjin, has more than 100 stores, bringing together well-known all over the country-style cuisine.

独乐寺the State Council in 1961 published the first batch of the national key units to be protected.

Independent music Chenguang - Jixian county located in the city独乐寺for key national heritage conservation units, built in the Tang Dynasty, are the earliest existing Chinese wooden pavilion building, inside a huge 16 meters high clay by Kuanyin seen domestic. Also known as the Great Buddha Temple, in the county west door. Temple ride north side, with a total flat rectangular, 150 meters long from north to south from east to west 110 meters wide, covers an area of 16,000 square meters. From east to west by the road three component compound. Eighteen years for the East Qing Qianlong (1753) built the palace, the existing three面阔Jeongbang, deep into the gallery before and after 2,谒陵Dongling直赴Emperors of the Qing Dynasty are the way of the rest.

West has concierge, main building, courtyard, etc. was僧房. Middle Road construction Shanmen, Guanyinge, octagonal pavilions and the Temple Guardian前殿,后殿, side hall in a palace and so on. Temple was built in the Tang Dynasty, the main building and Guanyinge Shanmen Commission and two years for the Liao (984) reconstruction, after the Ming Dynasty and Qing Shunzhi, Qianlong and Guangxu decorative oil in repair, are the ancient Chinese wooden architecture masterpiece.

位于蓟县北部山区,雄险奇秀兼具,以年代久,变化多,布局巧,设施全成为长城建筑史上的杰作,和长城博物馆、"水关"、"八卦城"、石刻碑林等景点在长城全线称绝。 在蓟县北部燕山丛林中,东达河北省遵化县的马兰关,西接北京平谷的将军关,全长42公里,是中国古长城的一部分,有楼台66座,即敌楼52座,烽火台14座。在经过洵河的黄崖峭壁之间,有座被称为"蓟北雄关"的黄崖关,是京东军事险要之地。据史载,蓟县长城始建于北齐年间,以后隋、明朝曾重修和增建。1985~1987年,重新修复了蓟县古长城的黄崖关和太平寨两个开放点,共修复墙体3025米,楼台20座,八卦关城1座,正关楼1座,寨堡1座,为中国修复长城工程中最长。 海门古塞--大沽炮台遗址
坐落在市区西南部,总高度415.2米,为世界第四、亚洲第二高塔。 龙潭浮翠--水上公园
位于老城东北角,是天津的发祥地,以天后宫为中心,街内集古味、 天津味、文化味为一体的店铺林立。天津古文化街于一九八六年元旦建成开业,全街长580米,整体建筑为仿清民间式建筑风格,天后宫(妈祖庙)位于全街的中心。全街近百家店堂,有经营天津地方特色的杨柳青年画的杨柳青画社,经营泥人彩塑的泥人张彩塑工艺品经营部,有经营文房四宝,名人字画的四宝堂,春在堂,有经营文物古玩的文物公司萃文斋门市部,还有经营全国各地的景泰蓝,双面绣,牙玉雕,艺术陶瓷,中西乐器金银饰品等上万种名优工艺品的几十家店堂,各种商品货真价实,物美价廉,商家以质量和信誉吸引中外游客。古文化街坚持"中国味,天津味,文化味,古味"经营特色,辛苦经营12年,总营业额累计6.9亿元,创利税5800万元,共接待中外游客1200万人次,党和国家领导人都曾先后来这里参观视察,邓小平同志在视察古文化街时说:"古文化街很有特色,对外国人一定有吸引力。"古文化街以浓郁的民俗风情,热情周道的优质服务欢迎世界各地的游客来参观,购物。沽水流霞--海河风景线
流经全市,全长74公里, 是引人注目的风景游览线。
坐落在蓟县城西北12公里处,是中国15大名山之一。主要景点有天城寺、万松寺、云罩寺、万佛洞、挂月峰等。 古名徐无山。又名四正山、盘龙山。盘山位于北纬40°05′~40°06′,东经117°15′~117°18′。地处蓟县官庄乡北部,距县城西北12.5公里。属燕山山脉南部分支出系,中低山地貌,海拔高度一般在400~600米。主峰挂月峰,海拔高度864.4米。坡度一般大于35°,面积约20平方公里。盘山由于岩石组级垂直节理发育,具有典型"球状风化"特点,故形成奇峰林立,怪石嵯峨的独特景观。土壤类型主要为粗骨性褐土,大于750米的山地局部为山地棕壤。植被类型为油松针叶林群落,油松、栓皮栎混交林群落。盘山以山深谷邃、怪石奇松、清泉秀木、寺庙古塔著称,被誉为"京东第一山"和中国十五名山之一。盘山风景诸多,其中以"三盘"、"五峰"、"八石"著称。