

第1个回答  2022-07-15

  英语中的被动语态由助动词be加及物动词的过去分词构成。有些 短语 动词在意义上相当于及物动词,因此也可构成被动语态。接下来,我给大家准备了短语动词的被动语态,欢迎大家参考与借鉴。


  短语动词被看成一个整体,是固定词组,所以构成被动语态时不可分开。其被动语态构成 方法 与普通的及物动词的被动语态的构成方法相同。如:


  He will be operated on by the best surgeon. 他将由最好的外科医生给他动手术。

  This matter has been carefully looked into. 此事已得到仔细调查。

  He is often laughed at by his classmates. 他经常被同学嘲笑。

  2.动词 + 副词

  These problems have been seriously thought over. 这些问题已得到认真考虑。

  The lights are turned off at 11 pm every day. 每天晚上11点钟关灯。

  The fire was soon put out. 那场大火很快被扑灭。


  These privileges1 should be done away with. 此类特权应该被取消。

  Women were looked down upon in the past. 妇女过去受到歧视。

  The lost time must be made up for. 失去的时间必须补回来。


  The children have been taken good care of. 这些孩子得到了很好的照料。

  What they did have been paid great attention to. 他们所做的一切已得到极大的关注。

  Time is precious and should be made full use of. 时间宝贵,应该充分利用。


  1) 及物动词的不及物用法:主语通常是物,且有着某种内在的特点。 句子 简短,且一定有付词。

  Some silks wash well.

  The pen writes smoothly1.

  The poem reads fluently(流利地).

  The shoes wear well(很耐穿).

  The paper tears easily.

  2) 否定句

  The plays won`t act.

  His novels don`t sell.

  The door won`t open.

  3) 某些日常用语,谓语是进行时态

  The dinner is cooking.

  The cakes are baking(烘烤).

  The book is printing.

  He paid all that was owing2(欠的钱他都还了).

  4) 谓语是不及物动词或连系动词。

  The flowers look beautiful.

  what he said sounds reasonable.

  The roses smell sweet.

  The medicine tastes bitter.

  The cloth feels soft.

  The door blew open.

  The road measures 50 feet across.

  Sheep feed chiefly on grass.

相关 文章 :

1. 英语语法:被动语态用法大全

2. 语态学习:语态的基本概念与被动语态

3. 8个实用中学英语语法填空解题技巧

4. 英语语法知识考点总结:There be句型

5. 初中英语中的常见语法

6. 英语动词后加s的用法

