

第1个回答  2022-11-14


除左水之外,其他liquid唔可以含水 example: 油



液体 : 水银 . 酒 . 水 . 盐水 . 油 ( 快至慢 ) 原因 : 因为世界上每样野都会有一样叫Specific Heat Capacity (比热容量)既野 Specific Heat Capacity (比热容量)就系一个指标显示一个指定物件需要几多热量去将1kg既指定物件将一度温度. Specific Heat Capacity (比热容量)单位为 JKg ^ (-1)K ^ (-1) Specific Heat Capacity = Heat Trfer / ( Mass * Temperature change) Specific Heat Capacity 越大散热速度越慢 水银 : 140 酒 : 2400 水 : 4200 盐水 : >4200 油 : >4200>盐水
Liquid is one of the four principal states of matter. A liquid is a fluid that can freely form a distinct surface at the boundaries of its bulk material. The surface is a free surface where the liquid is not constrained by a container. [edit] Characteristics A liquid's shape is confined to
not determined by
the container it fills. That is to say
liquid particles (normally molecules or clusters of molecules) are free to move within the volume
but they form a discrete surface that may not necessarily be the same as the vessel. The same cannot be said about a gas; it can also be considered a fluid
but it must conform to the shape of the container entirely. In liquid
the particles slide past each other and they move fast. At a temperature below the boiling point
a liquid will evaporate until
if in a closed container
the concentration of the vapors belonging to the liquid reach an equilibrium partial pressure in the gas. Therefore no liquid can exist permanently in a plete vacuum. The surface of the liquid behaves as an elastic membrane in which surface tension appears
allowing the formation of drops and bubbles. Capillarity is another consequence of surface tension. Only liquids can display immiscibility. The most familiar mixture of o immiscible liquids in everyday life are the vegetable oil and water in Italian salad dressing. A familiar set of miscible liquids are water and alcohol. Only liquids display wetting properties. Liquids at their respective boiling point change to gases (except when superheating occurs)
and at their freezing points
change to solids (except when supercooling occurs). Even below the boiling point liquid evaporates on the surface. Objects immersed in liquids are subject to the phenomenon of buoyancy
which is also observed in other fluids
but is especially strong in liquids due to their high density. Liquid ponents in a mixture can often be separated from one another via fractional distillation. The volume of a quantity of liquid is fixed by its temperature and pressure. Unless this volume exactly matches the volume of the container
a surface is observed. Liquids in a gravitational field
like all fluids
exert pressure on the sides of a container as well as on anything within the liquid itself. This pressure is trmitted in all directions and increases with depth. In the study of fluid dynamics
liquids are often treated as inpressible
especially when studying inpressible flow. If a liquid is at rest in a uniform gravitational field
the pressure at any point is given by where: = the density of the liquid (assumed constant) = gravity = the depth of the point below the surface. Note that this formula assumes that the pressure at the free surface is zero
and that surface tension effects may be neglected. Liquids generally expand when heated
and contract when cooled. Water beeen 0 °C and 4 °C is a notable exception; this is why ice floats. Liquids have little pressibility : water
for example
does not change its density appreciably unless subject to pressure of the order of hundreds bar. Examples of everyday liquids besides water are mineral oil and gasoline. There are also mixtures such as milk
and a wide variety of aqueous solutions such as household bleach. Only six elements are liquid at room temperature and pressure: bromine
gallium and rubidium.[2] In terms of plaary habitability
liquid water is required for the existence of life.
