

第1个回答  2023-02-24
I love watching TV since I was a little child, and the programs I liked are cartoons and TV series. But now, I love watching movie most.The first movie I liked is My Neighbor Totoro(《龙猫》).

Since then, I nearly watched all movies produced by Hayao Miyazaki.His movies are simple, warm and educational. They are very suitable for middle school students. I watch domestic movie most but I love foreign films. I feel happy and relax when I am watching movie. Movie brings a lot a fun to me and my life. I also make new friends due to movie. We share this common interest and we often introduce movies to each other. I am a student now and my task is to study, so I only spend a little time in movies.

我爱看电视,因为我是一个小孩子,我喜欢的节目是卡通和电视系列。但现在,我最喜欢看电影。第一部电影,我喜欢的是龙猫(《龙猫》)。 从那以后,我几乎看了宫崎骏制作的所有电影,他的电影很简单,很温暖,很有教育性。他们非常适合中学生。我看国内电影大部分,但我喜欢外国电影。当我看电影的时候,我会感到快乐和放松。电影给我和我的生活带来了很多乐趣。我也交了新朋友。我们有共同的兴趣,我们经常互相介绍电影。我现在是一个学生,我的任务是学习,所以我只花一点时间在电影。