

第1个回答  2013-07-18
参考: http://www.newxue.com/e/search/result/?searchid=567790后英语作文例文( 字数:1242 ) - I was 90 after I was born chilling when bird flu, the outbreak of SARS to enter primary school, into the middle slightly, H1N1 influenza, together with the 5.12 earthquake comes, we, that is 90, the group slowly from the disaster children grow up.We are full of dreams.One day, I will fly mysterious light in the blue sky, one day, I will board a scissors-lunge Everest towering stern, I went back to expansive Pacific Ocean and settled down, I will complain and flashing stars, and moonlight conversation. We have endless time and space beyond the imagination, we compared the relations withered vine gloomy Tielao living the dream, we will a yellow leaves to chase a dream than the wings, because I was 90, my sky is blue, the most mysterious.We are also full of tired brain.A dazzling work books, one by one morning to evening in the shadow, what "ABCD", what "ancient proses", and "Math", the weight of fragile our breath, but totally up in the night under the glare of lights, you have sweet sleep peacefully, and we, are to "work" you fight it off. Window and waves of icy wind blowing, I can not help but play a shivering, a root hair have erected a huge operation to attack the army.We are full of confidence."Teacher, this problem I have even better approach Road." "Ha ha, I must take this test first." "We must win the class competition." This is a unique self-confidence so that we more than others, no doubt, 90 the edge, so we have to move for more than others, the driving force, more full of confidence in facing life's difficulties.We have a tremendous spirit of solidarity."Easy to break one chopstick, 10 chopsticks holds together." "No Yuli standing who do not want to reach and reach people." Yes, to do anything just to help each other, rubbing each other to success uniting in solidarity mutual aid collective of life, we improve the efficiency of a full several times a day can keep Yichang happy mood, "the grace of dripping, springs with newspaper." In this harvest to harvest and where the collective, like spring rain General selfless, XIA Xue generally fresh, autumn generally thorough, general warm winter. We are united, after 90 happy.Let us work hand in hand to create a better world after the fall of 90. We are neat looking at the sky, listening to, is the angel in the words: "I ... ... after that ... ... ... ... 90 " 说说我们90后 - “80后”的飓风吹过,“90后”的狂风正在登陆。这是一个青春的舞台,这是一个热力四射的舞台,这是属于我们——“90后”的一个年代。“90后”的我们,个性是我们独创的品牌,张扬是我们独有的风采。穿的衣服跟别人一样,俗!想的东西跟别人一样,没想法!“90后”的我们,积极创新,塑造自我。摆脱老一辈学生唯唯诺诺的形象,跟老师在课堂上谈古论今,进行学术交流;在球场上,一个三分球赢得在场人的欢呼,骄傲地抬头绕场一圈,外带几分自满,但又有什么关系,这是青春,焕发光彩,我们享受青春。“90后”的我们,热情敬业是我们的精神,吃苦耐劳是我们的写照。奥运期间,是“90后”大展拳脚的时机。奥运火炬传递期间,在火炬手身旁默默护跑的人员,是“90后”;用灿烂的笑容,流利的外语接待外国来宾,尽显大国风范的是“90后”。“90后”的我们更愿意与社会交流,更愿以自身的活力来染红这个火红的八月。“90后”的我们,更多的是对社会无尽的爱。汶川大地震后,举国同哀。虽不能远赴灾区,但在校园里,也可见“90后”忙碌的身影。开广播,呼吁全校师生捐款,共同关注灾区;拉条幅,倡导社会人士人人献出一份力。稚嫩的脸皮下饱含着对祖国人民深切的爱;青涩的嗓音下是一代人对社会的爱意。我们用实际行动说,我们是祖国一分子,我们爱国。“90后”的我们张扬个性、热情、爱国,但我们有时却自私、脆弱。“90后”的我们在独生子女的光环下长大,比温室里的花朵还娇弱。我们集万千宠爱于一身,却不肯分享,集体观念不强,因此时常得罪旁人。我们经不起风吹雨打,高中生因小事自杀的现象时有发生,心里素质如此之差,这一棵棵幼苗在经历风雨洗礼后,还能有多少棵能茁壮成长?我们太脆弱,易碎的玻璃不适合成长。我们,需要改变!21世纪是“90后”的年代,压在我们肩上的是整个社会的期许。是的,我们热情,有创造力、有前途的,但我们也应承认,我们仍有不足。坚定地踩着时代的步伐向前走,不断地改进自身,克服自身缺点,“90后”的我们一定会绽放出最绚丽的光彩,未来在我们手中!坚信,“90后”的背后,是整个崛起的新世纪,新中国!