假如你是某中学生英文报Heart to heart栏目组张伟,你收到一位高三学生李华的来信…英语作文

假如你是某中学生英文报Heart to heart栏目组张伟,你收到一位高三学生李华的来信。信中李华诉说他参加高考前的高三学习困惑和烦恼,以及对未来的迷茫,请用英文给他回复,信早点包括1给予鼓励和信心2给指导和建议,词数120-150

第1个回答  2013-09-21
Dear Li Hua,
I'm sorry to hear that you are suffering from heavy pressure and anxieties from college entrance examination.
I hope you can keep high spirit and keep self-confidence to make redy for the entrance examination.The exam is coming,we may anxious but it isn`t terrible,we should learn to do something to relax ourselves.Such as listen to the music,it`s good for us as it can make us relax;We should do some exercise to keep us stength;Try to make a talk with parents or friends,they can help you get out from pressure.The most important thing is that whether we get succeed or get fail in this exam,it won`t decide our whole life.
Best regards