

第1个回答  2022-09-22
从job resources中反映了未来数月的工作量大增
我们将会尽力解决此问题. 另外
请各主管check check所in charge之工作的人手需求而决定批准放假
请通知我的秘书. 谢谢 (Trlation) Dear staff members
Our job resources indicate that there will be a tremendous increase in work load for the next few months. As a result
some staff members will be engaged in more than one task and there will be overlapping in the division of jobs too. You may rest assured that we will try to solve this problem as far as we can. Besides
some staff members have to take leaves for sitting examinations in mid-June. we'd kindly ask all department heads to see to it that there will be adequate manpower in considering leave applications. Please notify my secretary about any leave approvals. Thank you for your attention. (Remended Version for Your Reference) While we are facing a crash in staff resources
the situation may get worse when staff members take leaves. Under such circumstances
please make sure there is always adequate manpower to carry out related job pl before making any approval to leave applications. In the meantime
our Manager will try his best to solve the problem of job overlaps.
Dear colleagues According to the job resources
the work load of the ing months will be increased. Some of colleagues even handle over one job & the situation of overlap is existed. We will try our best to solve this problem ASAP. Besides
knowing some of staff may take leave for preparing examination in Jun
may each section head evaluate your resources before approve any leave to others. If do so
please kindly inform my secretary accordingly. Thanks
参考: my own work
Fellow colleagues Had reflected from job resources the future several month work loads will increase
Some colleagues respectfully u 0662 are not responsible for a work
Has the overlap situation appearance
We will be able to solve this problem with every effort. Moreover
In June
Some colleagues need to have a vacation the test
Please respectively be in charge of work the check check in charge manpower demand to decide the authorization has a vacation
If authorizes
Please inform my secretary. Thanks
参考: me