

第1个回答  2013-04-03
Bicycle or car, which do you prefer The Americans and the Chinese usually have different choices. The Americans prefer the car because they have been brought up together with the car. They go everywhere by car. But we Chinese like bicycles better.
First of all, it is very cheap, which is very important to people in a developing country. Secondly, it is much smaller than the car, therefore, it is easier to find a place to park it . And thirdly, it doesn't make any pollution, so it is good to our environment.
第2个回答  2013-04-03
What a stupid topic, I don't know it is from your teacher or the exam paper, it is really stupid anyway, what is the difference between bike and car? Come on, use your fxxing brain, or you want me to tell you that bike has 2 wheels and car has 4? It is just so many this kind of stupid question gradually making our kid thinking in a funny way.
Would you please ask me what is the difference between man and woman?
or, more or less, just ask me how to ride a bike and drive a fxxing car with engine, yeah you are right, car with engine, bike with 2 wheels, that's what you want, my son.
第3个回答  2013-04-03
A consumer you fat save you money. Another consume your money and increase your fat.
Since six years ago you 120 kg body not unsparing become the 180 kg